Re: HELLO!!!! Im Amanda!

ok so a bit of a reply to everyone really... i dont think i am on the KWS forum- if i was it would have been several years ago and i so totally odnt remember my login and password! lol... i have so many- i just levae myself premanently online so i dont forget- admittedly MOST are the same so i shouldnt really forget! lol...

And i will for sure be writing up a review- i havent done that since college so im really looking forward to it, it may however be a couple days, because i was called into the office by my boss yesterday (when i went to pick up my wages) and he asked me if i want to pick up the monday night, tues night and weds night shifts! I love my boss so much!!!! Yay!!!! Although we keep getting snotty letters, i keep sending snotty letters back- and soon very soon- we are getting ourselves straight with everyone... and then i can buy some more CD's! Yay!!!!

went off the tangent there a little, but anyway- it may be a couple days- as ill have to sleep while my little one is at school- and i may start writing the review while im at work... so yeah, im already giving alot of though to it! And what i want from it... 2 more sleeps to go! Work tomorrow morning though... and sunday morning... 6am till 2 then my friends are picking me up from work and we driving straight to sheffield, find someplace to chillout and eat then wait in line.... I am so getting to the front... as long as no one crushes me... my fractured ribs i think are just about healed!

Re: HELLO!!!! Im Amanda!

hi amanda welcome aboard.i guarantee joe will blow you away on sunday like he did us at rock city on thursday

It's very far away
It take's about a half and a day to get there
If we travel by my uh, dragon fly