Topic: Rock City Nottingham UK gig

saw Joe in concert last night, took my 17 year old son Chris along and we were awstruck what a fantastic artist he is, he must surly be destined for fortune and fame! I only heard of Joe a few weeks ago on Planet Rock radio station now i'm spreading the news too all that i know ! Can't wait till next time.........Kev

Re: Rock City Nottingham UK gig

A warm welcome to you Lamplighter 7!  You'll find you're in good company here.  Glad you enjoyed your first time so much!

smile  Libby  smile

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Rock City Nottingham UK gig

Thanks Lamplighter for the example of why Planet Rock needs to stay on the air..Best to them..I love multi-generational happenings. Very cool that you shared your Bonabaptism with your son. Now you will sadly join the ranks of "Waiting for my next show"..We're in this together, stay strong!           Cathy

Re: Rock City Nottingham UK gig

Thank you Kathy and Libby for your warm welcome to the site, ain't it funny how some songs just go straight to the all time favorites in your head Sloe gin has done this to me just like Gary Moore's still got the blues did and many more i won't bore you with! Love the web site very friendly........cheers Kev.