Topic: Way To Call It Joe!! Giants Win SuperBowl!
Joe predicted his Giants would win and they did! CELEBRATE BIG

Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12
The official forum for all things Joe Bonamassa, guitars and blues music
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Off Topics → Way To Call It Joe!! Giants Win SuperBowl!
Joe predicted his Giants would win and they did! CELEBRATE BIG
Tom Brady at dirt all night. WAY TO GO GIANTS!
I'll be at the parade!!!!!
We're absolutely THRILLED in this house
Joe called it, but......Jeff's cigar won it!!!!!!!!!! Yo da man! Jeff!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Big Jeff. Pete P.S. Eli & the giant defense helped just a little bit.
NO NO thank you, Pete, I put a little mojo in everything I touch, if the spirit moves. A Dominican hand rolled, well how did I know? All BonnaBuddies who order a sampler can get one too. Ha Ha.
You know, all kidding aside, the look in Eli's eye in the beginning of the game never dimmed. He had fire in them. The hunger in Strahan's, Tuck's, Mitchell's and defense et al. hearts and souls never dimmed. They wanted it more, so they got it.
I bet Peyton Manning was saying, "That's my brother!" I'll bet Archie couldn't even swallow that lump he had. Tom Brady pissed those D guys off and that was a mistake. They were thinking ", pretty boy...laugh at us..." They would be wrong to a point because Brady is one of the best, most determined, smartest QBs in the game.
BUT you don't sit in your Lexus and disrespect the blood covered warriors that have a shot at knocking you on your butt, all day long. I thought to myself that they were remarkably polite about the upending. One time after another, there were no cheap shots that I saw. Nobody stepped on his ankle.
Warrior poets. Me too.
a soldier in the war on poverty.
Great result for the Giants and what a memorable night. Good to see a Scot in the winning side!
That was one of the best Superbowl games I've seen. Which was totally unexpected because of course the Pats were going to win, right? Everyone said so. LOL
What a great capper to our Vegas vacation. After seeing Joe Saturday night, we got up around noon on Sunday, went down to the sports book and put bets on the Giants (how could you not with a 12 point spread?) and bet the under (55 points for an over/under? That's a gimmee bet!) We hooked up with some friends who've moved to Henderson, went for some dinner and hunkered down in the bar to watch the game. We were fortunate to be surrounded by Giants fans and just had a blast cheering the Giants and rooting against the Pats. So sweet.
So congrats to all the NY fans and better luck next year Boston! At least you got the World Series to keep you warm.
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Off Topics → Way To Call It Joe!! Giants Win SuperBowl!
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