Re: Roll call for January 31

Of course I bought you a ticket - we're all in the front row - 50 yard line - I'm just a
bottomless pit of money !  And I did notice the avatar - in fact I pointed it out to Ken.
So there amigo !

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

Jaci wrote:

Of course I bought you a ticket - we're all in the front row - 50 yard line - I'm just a
bottomless pit of money !  And I did notice the avatar - in fact I pointed it out to Ken.
So there amigo !

Hey wutta bought me?....oh I see how it is....afraid I might bring some of that bad 49er karma with me!


39 (edited by Jaci 2008-01-09 20:34:59)

Re: Roll call for January 31

Shred - I'll get you a ticket too.  I have nothing against the 49 ers.
And what about JDawg - is he a SF fan also ?
Oh heck, I'll buy the whole row just in case.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

Roy I'd love to have you nextdoor but you don't want the FLW house - very impractical -
but I could just see you and Sarah hitting golf balls in the river.  The yard would be great
for Goldie too!
Donald Driver is on the Jim Rome show - talking about how strange it would be to catch the
ball from someone other than Brett after 9 years and how great it is to play in GB - god
I hope this isn't Brett's last game.  Rome thinks Giants have a good chance to beat Dallas.
I may have to mortage the house !   It might be worth it tho.....   Jaci

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

OK Capt. please try to tie this all together with coming to Ca. Geez, I probably shouldn't have even presented this challenge. Let it happen Capt.

                                                                                            Think Green,

                                                                                            J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Roll call for January 31

I'M SMILING ROY.....If we can win Saturday I think he'll come back for sure.  If he has
a very bad game I don't know....
Thanks for the article - where do you find this stuff so fast....?

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

Roy it's all over our local news - sounds like Brett is coming back.
I just talked to a friend of mine who told me his uncle engineered
the entire cockpit of the Bombardier plane we're riding on - so
don't worry - it'll be a good ride to Calif !

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

Love To Be at This Show ..... Even Just to Be With Shred JDawg Roy & Jaci Down Front Row .... That'd Be a Real Wild Front Row Show

Can Not Wait For The Photo's & Report on This One       

.................................. Michael

Joe Bonamassa .......  His Greatest 3 Videos ... IMMHO   After Much Deliberation
3rd ...... Mountain Time / Rockpalast
2nd ...... Sloe Gin       /  Vienna             
1st ....... Blues Deluxe / The Borderline

Re: Roll call for January 31

I told you Bombardier's were fun!  I bet Dawn wonders who those 3 women are that
you're traveling with - god I won't even ask....

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

I was totally blown away - because first off I didn't ask her the horses names - why
did she just tell me that one's name and  second because my cousin has no idea who
Joe B. is or that the name Smokin' Joe would mean anything to me.  Just weird...
a good omen for our trip I hope.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

BluesMan wrote:

And this just in from Jacque......

While talking to her cousin in Newport Beach, CA (where we'll be staying for our 2 Joe show run), Jacque asked her cousin how many horses does she have. Her cousin responded that she has 3 of her own and boards another. And you ask, what is the name of the 4th horse? Well, "Smokin' Joe" of course. Coincidence? I think not. The presence of Joe in the universe is incalculable! smile


Maybe Joe can stop by and get his picture taken with that horse...uhhh....wait that dont sound right..hope Joe dont read this....hey I'm bowl legged bout me on top of that horse...geez...wut am I sayin...I'm really messin this thread up....just keep goin...I havent had my coffee yet


Re: Roll call for January 31

Just wondering - maybe the owner of that horse is a Joe fan?  Wouldn't that be
something?  Stranger things have happened...

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

BluesMan wrote:

Can you believe it Jacque? 7 days and counting........


7 days from now we will be there - catch up on your sleep this week - there is
going to be so much to see and do - and not enuf time !

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

Sounds like you guys are putting the horse before the show...

Rock On & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Roll call for January 31

That's right - if you guys don't cool it Joe will cancel our shows !

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Roll call for January 31

He won't do that but he may slip out the back door real fast after the encore!!! lol

Rock On & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Roll call for January 31

Looks like Mother Nature is doing her best to keep Shred and I out of SoCal. The Grapevine pass on I-5 was shut down today due to snow and ice. That's the main vein into SoCal for us so we need a radical change in the weather if we're gonna make it. The long range forecast isn't looking to promising yet.

                                                                                         Prayin' For Sun,

                                                                                         J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Roll call for January 31

Things have looked worse and turned out better.....hang in there!


“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon