Topic: hello everyone

Just sign up to this forum.great to be part of it .recently got into joes playing .he is such a brilliant guitar player .going to see him at the sheperd bush empire 15 Feb ,can't wait .I know he's goin to be fantastic.Im really hoping to get the chance to meet him,that would be so cool.So bye for now and LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL cheers Andy

Re: hello everyone

Andy, Welcome from across the pond. Smart Fella to jump in before the tour in your area. There are great people here including many from your neck of the woods..Hope you get to meet some at a show!   Thanks for joining.. Now, we're nosy and want to know how you heard about Joe... Cathy

Re: hello everyone

Hi there Cathy and the Gang ,the way i heard of Joe was through You Tube.Dont you just love You Tube well i do .A great source for finding something new or old .I see Joe as the next generation of blues players and i really think hes on his way to becoming a legend .A few more years and he will be bringing in the next generation of blues rock fans in.hes fresh ,young and talented and that is what we need .Clapton ect  are great players but they are gettin on now .Joe in my opinion is a better player ,he been playing all his life surrounded by top class players can only make him the fantastic player he is .and hes only 20 somthing.what a future
Like i said Eric clapton is great guitar player but  never had that wealth of  musical input that has surrounded Joe .
I dont have a problem with Eric but hes alive and SRV not. And what we need in new young talent and JOE BONAMASSA is the man for the job(RIP SRV)cheers Andy

Re: hello everyone

Welcome Voon
Do yourself a BIG favor and buy Joe's dvd Rockpalast from this web site.It's with his older band but it's a must have.I am WISHING that they come out with a new dvd of the North Sea Jazzfest
to make this winter a little warmer here in Chicago IL. A little fyi Joe turned 30 this year,i am 49
years old but when i see Joe in concert or listen to his music he makes me feel like a kid again.HE IS MIND BLOWING!!!!!!.The guy gives me ENERGY.Once again welcome to the best dam forum in the world. Enjoy the show at Sheperd Bush and when it's over give us a review on your BONABAPTISM smile