Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

watching the real Joe - "Just Got Paid" - Live From The Royal Albert Hall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ThfM81Y0ng

noticing the difference in how the camera used to acknowledge the audience, something what's completely gone from the latest live release - audience is just a blur now. What does he things about his fans now - is it the cash cow with no soul? Who drags him into murky waters of thinking he only maters as a man if he drives an expensive car or the bank clerks are standing up when he enters the building? I am absolutely sure some people are getting  "f__k you" rich around  him. - Joe! - you are special and one of a kind - don't let them cloud your mind. You have a gift. I hope you deserve it.

Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

reo l wrote:

- "Song of Yesterday" from Carnegie hall - that humming that Joe does in it... love it.

Yes, love it, & «Colour and shape”  )


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

"Curtain Call"  Premiered Dec 18, 2021



Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

(2-Cam-Mix) Joe Bonamassa - Live POLAND 2024 - "Mountain Time or Sloe Gin ?" - wonderful

  "Royal Albert" has a beautiful, thick, buttery sound. Lovely. Probably cause of the switch wink

Joe has a Roman Emperor look and gestures now. Easy to envision him presiding over a gladiator fights in Colloseum.

Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

Listening to the Blues Deluxe Remaster.

Just wow!

My Favorite Bonamassa Songs
Happier Times... Sloe Gin...Last Kiss...Lonesome Road Blues...Blues Deluxe...No Slack
Equipment For Listening To Joe
Sennheiser HD800 Headphones & Mad Ear+HD Headphone Amp

402 (edited by Coach305 2024-05-30 23:13:23)

Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

Celebrated Joe's birthday today by listening to the album that was my gateway into his music, the 2009 concert at Royal Albert Hall. As you can probably tell from my profile photo, the encore had a pretty profound effect on me... wink


Terrance Shuman
Kansas City, MO


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwoMcdj … mp;index=2   ACL


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

Live at the Sydney Opera House - one of the most beautiful and real Joe's albums and him being in his highest orbital energy levels

"The Valley Runs Low"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YwAlv1wubI


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

"When One Door Opens"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Dl1e4afnY

genius song, outstanding musically

remember one of my "Joe music coincidences"  - on the day of Joe's concert and about to listen to the " One Door"   live- my AirBNB literally locked on me aka "been locked out of my place" sort of thing. Tried to climb the fence and go through the back of the house - never worked. Another door ended up never opening for me.

Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

Right now, I'm listening to Joe Bonamassa's "Blues of Desperation." The album blends powerful blues rock with soulful guitar work, showcasing Bonamassa's incredible range and emotion. Tracks like "Mountain Climbing" and "Drive" really stand out, capturing that raw, gritty energy that makes his music so captivating.


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

this... timeless... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5wx6iHXcrU  always


Re: What Joe Bonamassa's song ( or album ) are you listening to right now?

Happier Times