Topic: Excited To "Discover" JB!
Hello folks!
Several months ago I was asked to listen to a few Joe Bonamassa songs. Now to understand me, you need to know that I am kind of stuck in the 70's when it comes to music. I am a massive classic rock/southern rock fan. Rarely if ever do I open my senses to new music. But... I listened to the JB songs as requested. The songs were "Different Shades Of Blue" and "Blue and Evil". Immediately I realized what a fool I have been to close my mind to new music!
The first thing I noticed and felt was that JB made his guitar an extension of his voice. Few artists can do that, one who comes to mind is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. I'm not saying JB sounds like David Gilmour, I'm saying his distinctive guitar playing becomes more than just guitar playing.
So for the past 4 months I have dug deep into JB's astonishing catalog of songs and I am hooked! Every few weeks I buy a new CD or DVD and excitingly rush home to discover what will be my "new favorite song". Other than busting my budget, discovering JB's music has been an amazing adventure.
Next week my wife and I will be seeing our first concert and we (Yes, she is now a JB fan as well - her favorite song is"Drive") are so excited!
Moral of this story is a closed mind is a stagnate mind
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it