Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Thanks, Jane and Bill S.
the list has been updated...

Jane H. wrote:

Hey CrazyMama! Sorry I missed your post before. I actually had my hands on that cd the other day but haven't relistened. Will have to find it again or, still on my list get a complete copy. Thanks for the reminder smile

as for other stuff, check out the thread Bill S. just posted.

20 (edited by CrazyMama56 2015-02-08 05:11:57)

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

updated 20150208
some release dates added

Best wishes

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Crazy Mama,
thank you for the great list. I've used it to track down Joe's guest gigs that I didn't know about. I've got to say there were more than I thought when I started.
Noticed you don't have the new Katja Rieckermann album, titled Never Stand Still and  Released on 2/1/15 listed.
Joe plays guitar on tracks 1, Buckaroo & 6, Blues For Joe.
Both are great songs, recommend to anyone, like myself trying to complete their collection of all Joe's guest appearances

22 (edited by CrazyMama56 2015-02-25 11:24:29)

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Thanks a lot for the information - just bought the two tracks, and they sound great indeed! maybe I'll get the complete album...
The list has been updated accordingly.

Best wishes

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Wow great job. I have compiled some print outs from imdb   but this is a great thing to have on the forum.  Thanks so much Crazy Mana

24 (edited by CrazyMama56 2015-04-18 05:55:16)

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206


20150418 Joe Bonamassa - Record Store Day Exclusive Vinyl (ltd. edition)
                 (Side A: Album versions...
                 Side B: features previously unreleased acoustic versions produced for
                 Classic Rock Magazine, recorded live at the "Ain't Nothin' But"
                 Blues Pub in London, most probably in September 2014)
- Ball Peen Hammer (3:14)
- Jelly Roll (2:17)
- Love Ain't A Love Song (3:52)
- Woke Up Dreaming (2:52)

if this information should prove to be wrong...please correct me!
Best wishes

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

any news or rumours regarding Joe appearing with other artists?
always curious...

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Joe was in the recording studio a day or so ago playing on 2 songs for Paulie Cerra's new album that will be released sometime in the future. Paulie was very excited about this as one could imagine. Album features Paulie Cerra (Producer, Voc. & Wurlitzer), Travis Carlton (Co-Producer), Bill Steinway (Ac. Piano), Billy Haynes (Bass), Alvino Bennett (Drums), Dennis Moody (Engineer), and Sam Meek (Ld. & Rhythm Guitars) Can't wait to hear this, should be excellent!

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

updated 20150926

Thank you, Joe, for the bonus tracks!!!
- and it's wav files, not some crappy lossy mp3s...highly appreciated!

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Merry Christmas everybody!

29 (edited by ajgohr 2016-04-20 07:39:38)

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

I have a few new additions for you Crazy Mama.

Joe appears on Oz Noy's new album Who gives a funk. Released on April 14th 2016
Joe Plays Guitar on,
track 10
Five Spot Blues (4:09)

Also I recently discovered a live version of This Ol' World by Sandi Thom featuring Joe.
It's on Sandi Thom's album Live From London (2010) released on 10/4/2012
Track 13
Run time 6:12

Also, Joe plays guitar on one song on Ana Popovic's upcoming album Trilogy Vol. 1 which will be released on May 20 2016
Track 5
Train (4:57)

Happy Listening!

30 (edited by CrazyMama56 2016-04-20 08:49:11)

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Thank you so much for bringing these new releases to my attention!
- even if it means that there's some more money to be Sandi and Ana...
I'll update my list accordingly!

ajgohr wrote:

I have a few new additions for you Crazy Mama.

Joe appears on Oz Noy's new album Who gives a funk. Released on April 14th 2016
Joe Plays Guitar on,
track 10
Five Spot Blues (4:09)

Also I recently discovered a live version of This Ol' World by Sandi Thom featuring Joe.
It's on Sandi Thom's album Live From London (2010) released on 10/4/2012
Track 13
Run time 6:12

Also, Joe plays guitar on one song on Ana Popovic's upcoming album Trilogy Vol. 1 which will be released on May 20 2016
Track 5
Train (4:57)

Happy Listening!

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

ajgohr wrote:

I have a few new additions for you Crazy Mama.

Joe appears on Oz Noy's new album Who gives a funk. Released on April 14th 2016
Joe Plays Guitar on,
track 10
Five Spot Blues (4:09)

Also I recently discovered a live version of This Ol' World by Sandi Thom featuring Joe.
It's on Sandi Thom's album Live From London (2010) released on 10/4/2012
Track 13
Run time 6:12

Also, Joe plays guitar on one song on Ana Popovic's upcoming album Trilogy Vol. 1 which will be released on May 20 2016
Track 5
Train (4:57)

Happy Listening!

Thanks for posting this
I had never heard of Oz Noy and checked him out.Some  great stuff in the RCFP vein.

Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Sunflower Jam 2012 DVD (no longer availible) … uring-jon/

Short set of Joe plus Ballard of John Henry with Jon lord.

Plus Joe may Play smoke with DP

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

gary wrote:
ajgohr wrote:

I have a few new additions for you Crazy Mama.

Joe appears on Oz Noy's new album Who gives a funk. Released on April 14th 2016
Joe Plays Guitar on,
track 10
Five Spot Blues (4:09)

Also I recently discovered a live version of This Ol' World by Sandi Thom featuring Joe.
It's on Sandi Thom's album Live From London (2010) released on 10/4/2012
Track 13
Run time 6:12

Also, Joe plays guitar on one song on Ana Popovic's upcoming album Trilogy Vol. 1 which will be released on May 20 2016
Track 5
Train (4:57)

Happy Listening!

Thanks for posting this
I had never heard of Oz Noy and checked him out.Some  great stuff in the RCFP vein.

First saw Oz last Dec. when he guested with RCFP at Baked Potato...Going to see him and his band next Thursday at Yoshi's in Oakland....really liked what I heard in L.A.

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

bowfell wrote:

Sunflower Jam 2012 DVD (no longer availible) … uring-jon/

Short set of Joe plus Ballard of John Henry with Jon lord.

Plus Joe may Play smoke with DP

Thanks a lot for the information, which I' ve included in my list...

20130820 The Sunflower Superjam 2012 (DVD) JB on DVD 2 – bonus disc, Sunflower Jam 2011
- Midnight Blues – Joe Bonamassa
- Smoke on the Water – Deep Purple feat. Bill Bailey &JB
- The Ballad of John Henry – Joe Bonamassa & Jon Lord
- The Thrill Is Gone – Joe Bonamassa

there's one copy left on and
maybe there's someone out there who can rip Joe's songs and make them
available to me...I would love to hear the DVD versions (the songs can be found
on youtube, of course...Joe is on Smoke on the Water w/Deep Purple, by the way...)
I could swap these tracks for others from my list...

Best wishes

Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Ana Popovic - Trilogy
JB on "Train"


Re: JB - Guest Appearances, etc. - updated discography 20250206

Hello again Crazy Mama.
I just discovered a few days ago that Joe appears playing guitar with Dave Mason on his 2014 album Future's Past.
Joe plays on one song, an excellent rendition of Dear Mr. Fantasy.

Track 1 (4:36)