I would wholeheartedly agree. Joe was the best I have seen, which seems to be each time I see him! Really, he was definitely on his game last night. He looks a little trimmer, and he was definitely relaxed. Very vocal crowd, and he was interacting a little more. He definitley basked in the applause and cheers, which he should; it is his reward for a lot of hard work.
Not for nothing, but he should take some more of these short breaks, but not because he is sick; all of them need to re-charge, and if it means a few less shows, but shows that are of the caliber that we witnessed last night, I would be the first to vote for it. I listened to the show from New York the previous night, and I would have to say that the Boston show was even better. I caught the audience absolutley awestruck and silent a number of times as the Bonamagic cast its spell.
The hall was great for the show, being an acoustically designed performance center for the Berklee College of Music. I have seen him in a variety of venues, and this definitley did his talents right.
I agree that the craowd was a bit much, but I am betting that there were a few college students in the audience. You know, that whole "instant gratification" thing, looking for the great stuff right away, not waiting through the build-up. I also agree that woman's comment about her "O" from his playing was a bit much, but the best comment of the night, mainly because of its timing, was during the "Woke-Up Dreaming" collection, was during a slight lull in the piece you heard "How does he do that?!" yelld out from the back of the hall. You can tell Joe enjoyed that. He had his his down playing, and he just started shaking his head, a little smirk peeking out. I will say this, it beats the hell out of the A**holes that come to see the show at one of the club venues and decide to discuss everything under the sun during the show. I think anyone attends a show should be issued a paint ball gun, and if one of those jerks shows up, if they annoy you, you shoot them. Anyone with more than 3 paintball marks on them gets tossed. At least you knew the yellers last night were watching the show.
Crosby Loggins was plesantly suprising. Not that i thought he would suck, but he held his own up there alone. Very talented. I can see why Joe brought him under his wing.
Keep it up joe, you have hit a great stride. You have definitley crossed over into the next stage of your journey.