Re: Bona-Trivia
=o|-[ wrote:Rocket wrote:Ah, but what of the question if Smokin' Joe's Vault never performed publicly? IS that still a band?
Did you ever see or hear of them performing as a group, John?
Just playing along on a long wait...
GREAT question Rocket! unfortunately I can't answer that. I did find another source to show Smokin' Joe's Vault but it is only for that same show (that never was). … joe_b.html
I always wondered if this was the original name for the 1st incarnation of the Joe Bonamassa Band (with Tony Cintron on drums & Creamo Liss on bass). All I know is that was the only time I heard about Joe performing between the last Bloodline show I saw & my 1st JBB show. I was always looking for any info on him playing anywhere near CNY & never saw anything else except that one Vault show, but I have no idea about if he played anywhere outside of CNY with the Vault.
from The Post-Standard in 1996, after Bloodline had disbanded and Smokin' Joe's Vault had begun.
The teen guitar wizard's back.
Smokin' Joe Bonamassa isn't with Bloodline anymore. And his new project, Smokin' Joe's Vault, brings an entirely different sound from the guy who loved the blues practically from the crib. Bonamassa unleashes his psychedelic jazz side at 10 p.m. Saturday at Beginning's in East Syracuse. Syracuse hot blues outfit Dirty Pool opens. Cover charge is $4. "This is just another side of me musically, " said Bonamassa, who spent three years with famous offspring of Berry Oakley, Robbie Kreiger and Miles Davis in Bloodline. "I really loved being able to perform my songs and sing them myself. I have always played around with musical variations when I was alone and on my own, but I never felt comfortable playing this music in public. "As I spent more and more time messing around with these songs, only then did I realize the potential of the music and gained belief in myself to bring them to life, " the New York Mills native said.
I have a publicity photo from this band signed by Joe. It was a band whether they played or not I have no idea.
I know it's not my turn for a question, but... Who was in the band Smokin' Joe's Vault? Names please
I guess I should add that I do NOT know the answer but I really want to know it.