Topic: Just thinking a "Joe & Friends" mini tour would be cool
I realize Joe and Roy are on top of things and have probably thought out Joe's tours for who knows how many years into the future, but I just thought wouldn't it be cool to have Joe do like a mini tour with some of his friends. Just thinking back on the cruise and how the Artist Jam was definitely the highlight for both Phil and myself and also recently saw a photo on facebook of Joe hanging out at his home playing with his friends Josh Smith and Kirk Fletcher. So I thought, wouldn't it be cool if he did something with these guys, maybe throwing in JD Simo and Paulie Cerra as well. Or he has some core group and each city he stops in he has a friend from that area join him on stage. Just a small tour, nothing prolonged since they all have their own schedules as well. It's just so much fun to see him jamming with his friends, they are all such excellent musicians and they look like they have so much fun playing together. Maybe it's a dumb idea, but thought I'd put it out there regardless.