DougH wrote:Buzz tell me you didn't pay $10.80 USD shipping for a $10 item
Okay .. I dint .. lol
I generally use my American drop account in Calais, ME for all my 392 parts/accessories, drive down, pay customs fees, etc. That said, everything I ever purchased from the JB store, I had delivered to the house .. just made more sense than to save a few bucks on shipping and have to drive to Calais (3 hour return trip plus fuel) and be subjected to customs fees.
To get back to ur question .. this latest purchase ..
1 - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks CD and DVD Package @ $27.98
2 - Muddy Wolf - Red Rocks Collectible Pins @ $9.99 each
I would not have ordered the pins alone .. lol
Subtotal : $47.96 USD
Shipping : $16.90 USD (Doug .. u spent that on 3 nutty squirrels .. lol)
Total : $64.86 USD
Dude! .. it's only money! 
Thank u so much for the B-Day wishes everyone!
The BonaMaritimer .. All Dials To The Right!