Topic: You know Joe has arrived when...
You walk into the enormous local Borders Book store..walk around patiently looking for the blues section within the rows of the large music section. You have been in this position before - hoping against hope that you will see a Joe CD along with the rest of the blues world. You start scanning alphabeticlly in the misc. section for Slo gin because you already know in advance that Borders does not have its own devoted section for Joe CD's. No luck... stop...there it is...Slo Gin on the top shelve in the "highlighted" new blues CD's..those few CD's Borders has decided deserve to be placed for all to see. That is when you know Joe has arrived!
You walk out of mega Borders knowing that maybe...just maybe... all the effort and hard work in promoting Joe may have a little bit to do with him earning top shelve position. Hats off to Joe!!