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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Street Team → Street Team Stories: When You Met Joe
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Street Team → Street Team Stories: Tell Us About Your First Time Hearing Joe
My first time ever hearing Joe's voice and guitar was at Barnes & Noble in 2006...fuzzy recollection of the exact date of that Sunday, whether late June or early July, but nonetheless "my date with destiny" "good fortune" "my dharma" "my good karma"....quite simply , the stars & planets were all in alignment! Little did I know what a gigantic discovery I had just made!
I was standing in the "B"section with headphones on listening to something when I looked down and saw BLUES DELUXE staring at me. My first thought, " That guy is kind of cute and what does a Joe Bonamassa sound like?" The first bar of the song, YOU UPSET ME BABY, I exclaimed too loudly, "Where's this guy been all my life? " Heads turn in the store and my son Bobby red in the face with embarrassment was trying to shush me. Grabbed the other Joe CD's and out the door we went and I was on the first mile of this wonderful journey.
The next day was even more of a mind blower! During a break at work, I was reading thru the Des Moines Datebook and looking under the concert dates and saw a totally unbelievable listing! Joe Bonamassa Surf Ballroom, Clear Lake, IA July 14, 2006!!!!! What are the odds of this? Two days in a row! I knew at that point there was something very special in store. I was on the phone in a flash to get tickets ordered and that segue ways into the next mile of this journey. Joe was opening for Tesla.
We arrived early to the Surf Ballroom to be one of the first in. With BLUES DELUXE in hand we secured a spot in front and when Joe came out onto the stage, I felt like I had known him forever. The band at that time was Mark Epstein on bass and Bogie Bowles on drums. LOVED EVERY NANOSECOND of that short set and Tesla fans were in disbelief that we were relinquishing our front positions to them. "We came to see Joe, not Tesla!"
Off to the merchandise table we went to await Joe's arrival. If I asked Dennis (merch guy) once , I easily asked him a million times , "When is Joe coming out?" In exasperation of me hounding him he told me I needed to settle down and be patient! WHAT???!!!!! I don't remember what I even said to Joe, but was taken by his kindness and gratefulness, Blues Deluxe signed, a couple of guitar picks and heaven was felt! Little did I know at the time, that my soon to be lovely new friends Lee & Renee were also there!
Well one thing leads to the next, Joe's Fan Forum! Talk about solidifying the addiction, my new home away from home. I had so much fun, posted too much, about anything and couldn't help myself. And the chat room, oh my goodness some of greatest friendships I'll ever have we're formed there. My best Bonabuddy Rhonda (photogal)and I met on a "blind date road trip" to see Joe ( once again at the Surf Ballroom) in November of 2006. So in sync were we that we even had on the same jackets when we met the first many a road trip we have done and many an adventure we have encountered...some with secrets, but all filled with great "for the love of Joe moments." Value of this: PRICELESS!
Joe said one time that one of his greatest accomplishments was The Forum because of the countless relationships and friendships that have formed. No truer words have been spoken!
There are so many lifelong friendships I would make at so many different shows and each show has it's own story that I could write a book. Joe has changed and affected my life in so many ways! Things I would never have imagined possible! A trip to London, not once but twice.....this small town girl would never have made it there any other way. All the cities before and after..big milestones in Joe's career.....the belief and devotion that Joe would be a shining star and to have had a hand in some of it, is humbling in and of itself.
Some less than happy days that Joe and his music and his fans have pulled me thru. Joe will never know the countless number of times he has helped many of us in so many tough situations. I vividly remember a phone call to my Mom in the middle of the night for help and one of her answers was, "Why don't you put on a Joe DVD and see if that helps...." A lot of people might think we are a crazy bunch, but if they knew each and every one of our stories of Joe, it would be so evident to them. I will always be eternally grateful to Joe for all that he is and all that he has done. It is GREAT to be a Joe Bonamassa fan!
Currently on the eve of one of my greatest Joe adventures I will leave off with one more crazy example of what I call "my Joe luck." On October 1st, 2008 my phone rang and it was Rachael Iverson from J&R Adventures. She said ,"Patty, are you sitting down?" I said, "No, I was just heading out the door to go see Joe at The Whiskey Roadhouse!" She said, "I think you had better sit down. YOU WON ! You won the JB Les Paul! ". What a coinky-dink that she called me on a day , unbeknownst to her, that I was going to go see Joe! Joe said that night with a grin he could just give me the guitar now , it was on the bus, to which I replied, "Heck no! You said you'd fly me to a show to get it!" And true to his word, he did and what a night of memories for me and my sister. Joe has played Child #184 at two shows (The Ballad of John Henry and Just Got Paid) and one of the times was at where I work part freaky is that?!!!!
Joe really nailed that day and my whole journey with him so appropriately on my ticket, "To Patty, It's your lucky day! Joe Bonamassa". 
...many an adventure to document with Joe and many a more adventures with Joe to come.....
....Clear Lake,IA. Davenport,IA. Des Moines,IA. Ames,IA. Council Bluffs,IA. Iowa City,IA Omaha,NE. Kansas City, MO. St. Louis,MO. St. Joseph,MO., Chicago,IL., Elgin, IL., Rockford, IL., Aurora, IL., Cleveland,OH., Tulsa,OK. and the trips of a lifetime London, England x 2!
"I'm not nice to any guitar!"

Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12