Topic: The Hoffster to record an Angels song (with a Joe side story)...
Back during Joe's tour of Australia, I was at the Adelaide show, and one of the crew passed a note to Joe when he went offstage just before the encore. The note simply told Joe to say the words "Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again?" when he came back out.
For those of you who grew up in Australia in the 70's and 80's, you would know that this is the title and main chorus line of an iconic song by the local rock band The Angels, and that this line ALWAYS evokes a particular crowd response at live shows.
Needless to say, the crowd in Adelaide gave Joe the response when he spoke the words. Twice in fact. Rick Mellick actually sang the line and the crowd delivered a perfect, loud response in potty mouthed unison.
Sadly, we have just found out that Doc Neeson, the charismatic frontman for the Angels has been diagnosed with a brain tumour which will require radio and chemotherapy. In order to raise funds, David Hasselhoff has agreed to record a live rendition of "Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again?" and perform/release it.
I can bet that many people would dearly love to be at the live show so they can scream the requisite response back.
But seriously, all positive thoughts and prayers for Doc in the hope he makes a full recovery. I grew up on the music of The Angels, and covered a couple of their songs in bands that I've played in. They were looking to do a reunion tour, but this issue has set those plans back a bit...
The song in question:
My favourite song of theirs: (one of the first guitar solos I ever tried to dissect and replicate)