Encouraging words all around. Good to hear, although I first heard of the poor 8 yr.old boy killed by a tree in New York, but had no idea where it was and knowing it could be anywhere outside New York City where there's soooooo many trees not anchored by concrete. Condolences for families and friends those dying or injured or suffering any loss (no matter how or what) as a result. Nationally, keep an overall healthy thankful perspective, with much gratitude. Stuff is replaceable. Or if not, it still only stuff. Remember natural disasters around the world and the HUGE death tolls often reported and be very thankful. People take care of family, friends, AND neighbors far beyond Sandy's huge reach back there. We take care of our own, but it always as we should every day only when many others have a much, much worse day than imaginable compared to a typical and typically taken for granted, very blessed day.
Peace to all, hope for return to "normal" (or a new normal acceptable) A.S.A.P. Blessings, comforts, and kindness, and continued HOPES.
Scream ON, then Dream ON, Dream Until Your Dreams Can Come True & Keep the Hopeful, Help-Filled Faith,
Rocket, (hardly guilt free in the sunny California sun)
"He still doesn't charge for mistakes!

http://jbonamassa.com/tour-dates/"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here. I mean, there are professionals in here.”