Comforting to see your (and the other's) posts, both before and after Sandy.
Thoughts are with you on your shore home.
Lost power from 2am till 2pm. No real big mess (flat roof leak which was expecting and had tubs out) and many movable branches.
The back end wind (after the calm eye passed over) was really quite faster than the front side, as they said it would be on TV. (I thought it would be similar speed here inland, other than the direction.)
We dodged a bullet I think. Last year's Irene helped a bit, with homeowners and power co's cutting trees and fixing lines since last year.
Don't think it was overhyped. There is some real damage close by out there...inland, and the shore.
Few inches out of the Jack bottle, and got reacquainted with Joe's back catalog. An actual better night than some others I've had. 
Keep us posted on your findings.
PS: I can smell chicken soup outside. You must be just northwest of me. 
Angela wrote:We are all safe, I am very thankful!! As far as our little shack near Atlantic City, no one is even allowed on the island unti Thursday, so it is what it is!! I'll cross that bridge when I get there...
The house is halfway between the beach and the bay on a higher street in the town, so we'll just have to wait and see. The house was built in the 50's, its only 3 steps up from the ground. Part of my brain is cleaning up sand and debris and ditching furniture, the other part is tearing down and selling the land... One could go batty with all the what if scenarios...At this point, its so much easier to laugh than cry... 
We had lots of power surges like I've never classic Halloween style, lights hovered low for long periods, went out, came back was eerie!! Our parents don't have power and the temperature has dropped, so we are taking them in. I made a big pot of chicken soup! Life is good!
I hope all bonabuddies everywhere are safe & sound, warm & dry. 
"I was in Space for less than 2 weeks … and suddenly Jeaniene’s back … half the Band is off the gd wagon … we have comedians opening for us … and the nice kid that ran our website is now a kleptof’nmaniac. Boy ... did you guys miss me!!" Phil Valentine - Road Manager - Staton House Band
JBLP#251 (unaged) ... thank you Ron.