Re: guilty pleasure tuneage
One song I always crank the $hit out of on the radio is Alone, by Heart.. for a guy, that may be classified as on the sissy side but I don't care, I like the song! And I will admit, sometimes I'll listen to a Katy Perry song if one comes up while scanning the stations..thats as far as I'm going for now.
I don't know that anything by Heart could be classified as a guilty pleasure...Nancy Wilson has an AMAZING voice, quite possibly the best female rock vocalist ever. Needless to say being a local band I've seen them countless times, the first time when their debut album Dreamboat Annie was just released, and most recently last Summer.
When it comes to crankability, Hijinx, Straight On For You and Mistral Wind off Dog and Butterfly are cuts that DEMAND high sound pressure levels!