Topic: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Are there any Marshall Tucker Band fans here? I never really heard much of them back in the 70s and 80s but in recent years I've heard more of them and I have to say I like what I hear. I think Toy Caldwell was a great guitarist and he wrote some fine songs. I think I'll have to start getting some of their CDs.

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Im a big fan of them, I never heard from them in the 70's and 80's! Because, well, I'm 19. Discovered them not that long ago and really like the style.... It's somewhat liked a jazzed up soulband meets lynyrd skynyrd. Caldwell has licks man! I love the same-titled album, haven't heard the others alot, Ive listened to them, but not so that I know all the songs by heart.


Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Been a fan of MTB since I first heard Can't You See when it debuted in '73. I saw the original band a number of times in the early '70's when they headlined over Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Outlaws. Sadly Toy & Tommy Caldwell as well as George McCorkle are gone. Doug Gray is the only remaining member in the band these days and on another sad note they just lost their guitar player of the past 27 years Stuart Swanlund. Haven't seen MTB in 20 years, but their music withstands the test of time. A personal favorite from the first album for me is Losin' You.

                                                                                                                  I Got Ramblin'
                                                                                                                  On My Mind,

                                                                                                                  J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Yeah, a bell goes off with most southern rock acts for me...

I won't make no mistake, I like it!

Rock ON Southern Folks, Keep the Hospitable Faith So Well, Y'all,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Southern rock definitely winds my clock.  Also had the pleasure of seeing many live MTB shows back in the 70's (like J Dawg).  The passing of Tommy, Toy and George were sad moments.  But they also provided some of my favorite concert moments, and I have had many of them.

George could crank a rhythm riff like nobody.  Too many favorites to list them all, but always thought Cattle Drive was amazing live.

Play like you've worked at it, and don't worry about sounding like your influences.  You can't cheat on them, or your practice, anyway.  If you've worked hard at your skill, your audience will know it.

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

1as a fan back in the day.Saw em with the outlaws too.They define that country rock genre for sure.Great musicians and a lot of foot tappin sing along tunes!Timless!

Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

If The Marshall Tucker Band was just starting out today I'm sure they'd be embraced as a Country band. Hell they were more country than most of the acts outta Nashville for quite awhile now. The same with The Charlie Daniels Band. Both bands rock credibility was based on smokin' lead guitars played on Les Pauls which gave them that Duane & Dickey sound. a little Toy Caldwell trivia. I asked him for a pick when I met him in '74 and he told me, I never use one.

                                                                                                               Jack & Charlie
                                                                                                               My 2 Favorite Daniels,

                                                                                                               J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Big fan...

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here? … e-daniels/

Says it pretty well.  The man did have a thumb that was hard as nails.  I got to shake his hand, once, myself.

Play like you've worked at it, and don't worry about sounding like your influences.  You can't cheat on them, or your practice, anyway.  If you've worked hard at your skill, your audience will know it.

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

The music of what youth I had left after returning from Nam. Loved the MTB music, it still rings true and takes me back to happy times.

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Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

RickB wrote:

The music of what youth I had left after returning from Nam. Loved the MTB music, it still rings true and takes me back to happy times.

Four of the band members served in the military and according to Wiki, Toy was wounded in Vietnam.

                                                                                                      Searchin' For A Rainbow,

                                                                                                      J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

Count me as a fan as well. Attended many live shows back in the day and have a good stash of vinyl and CD. Doug Gray has an amazing voice, listen to the live version of Ramblin on the Where we all belong album.


Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

cruckdriver wrote:

Count me as a fan as well. Attended many live shows back in the day and have a good stash of vinyl and CD. Doug Gray has an amazing voice, listen to the live version of Ramblin on the Where we all belong album.

Damn Right!

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Any Marshall Tucker Band fans here?

It's good to see we have some MTB fans here but interesting that there have been no replies posted from the UK. I don't know why but I don't think they were big in the UK.

My first exposure to the MTB was on a BBC Old Grey Whistle Test special programme about Southern Rock called Macon Whoopee first broadcast in 1977 (re-shown on BBC4 earlier this year and now on YouTube). The programme featured a live version of Blue Ridge Mountain Sky which remains one of my favourites.