Re: "Snakewater - A New Breed"

andre wittebroek wrote:

Me too Blues Sissi and then Henrik at Balver-Hoehle on Saturday September 1st.

Hope to see you there Eva.

Will be in Dortmund and have to inform Blues Papst Kneisel and some other "Pott" people.

I'm not sure that I'll be at Balver Höhle. There is so much going on on September 1: Blues Festival in Lehrte, Blues Rock Festival in Tegelen, a gig in Dortmund at Piano ... haven't decided what to do ... though Balver Höhle seems to be an interesting location. What I've heard sound must be absolutely amazing there.

Re: "Snakewater - A New Breed"

That's the main reason for me to go to balver-Hoehle: the location . I wanr t to see hent rik play there, should be a unique place.

Re: "Snakewater - A New Breed"

Sent Bobby Grant a private email via this website, Michael.

Re: "Snakewater - A New Breed"

Found this on youtube.... this ones for Michael smile