19 (edited by PSmith1946 2012-07-17 04:24:34)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

BBC's articles on Jon's passing.
Planet Rock with clips.
http://www.planetrock.com/news/rock-new … sses-away/

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

I heard this sad news on the Radio 2 news bulletin on my way home last night. Like everyone else, my heart sank and immediately thought of Joe and the unreleased CD that he and Jon have collaborated on and how Joe would feel. I then remembered what I think was the first time I heard the In Rock album. At the end of term the music teacher allowed pupils to take in their own music to play and one of my class mates brought in Deep Purple In Rock. The look on the teacher's face when Child In Time came on was an absolute picture. big_smile

Sadly, I never got to see Purple even though they once came to my home town. sad

I hope he's upstairs tinkling the ivories with all those wonderful musicians that have passed over to the other side recently. You will be missed, Jon.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: RIP Jon Lord

I saw alot of bands, but never saw DP. What a fantastic band, Jon was AWESOME!!

Did Joe get anything recorded with Jon?  I saw the one clip...just wondering...

RIP Jon Lord

StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Yeah, saw it on the German news last evening. Was gonna post them but too bushed from work.........

It's a fact that many of those guys from that era are slowly passing. If you were a teen in the 70's or just earlier then it seems like your heroes are dropping like flies. Lets not forget though that these were trailblazing times for Rock 'n Roll. I find it is amazing that any of them are still standing let alone making fantastic music.....still. Think Lordy, think Paul Rodgers, Glenn Hughes, even Ritchie B is still touring. It might be different but he is still working and hard!

Whilst I know Zeppelin might have formed the genre (with licks from Jeff Beck group) I do think Purple actually were at the frontier of bringing Hard Rock to the masses commercially. John Lord's sound was a huge part of that. I've sung in a DP tribute and we had an excellent keys player although nowhere near Jon Lord's level. Those tunes just light up when the organ takes centre stage.

There was of course, more to John Lord than hard rock and through his legacy of music he will be remembered.

But for now.........I'm gonna crank 'Lazy' up to 11..........RIP

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: RIP Jon Lord

I see that Jon's name hasn't so far been removed from this year's Sunflower Jam line-up at the RAH. That show will definitely have added poignancy this time around. I wonder who will replace him in the line-up? A tough ask for whoever it is.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Wooders wrote:

I see that Jon's name hasn't so far been removed from this year's Sunflower Jam line-up at the RAH. That show will definitely have added poignancy this time around. I wonder who will replace him in the line-up? A tough ask for whoever it is.


Why not Don Airey, if he isn't otherwise engaged? Their was a lot mutual respect between the two and the'hand-over' to Don was well managed once Jon had announced he would be stepping back. Also in his tribute Rick Wakeman mentioned they had talked again about working together. He would also honour the man's memory I'm sure. I reckon a number of top keysmen would relish the opportunity to step into his void as a way of expressing their respect. It will be an emotional occasion for sure.

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Good point about Don Airey, Mike. He is an obvious choice, although not one that occurred to me at the time. I was thinking of Rick, but somehow don't see him rocking as Jon did. I'm sure he could play anything that was required, however, as he's definitely got what it takes as far as keyboard skills are concerned.

Having thought about it a bit more, I'm sure either of them would be only too willing and feel honoured to fill the place left by Jon. They are both decent blokes and would probably jump at the chance.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Sunflowerjam is run by Ian Paice's wife who I believe is related to Jon Lords wife so I think they may have other matters on their minds

27 (edited by Ian916 2012-07-18 14:26:42)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

bowfell wrote:

Sunflowerjam is run by Ian Paice's wife who I believe is related to Jon Lords wife so I think they may have other matters on their minds

correct IP is/was JL's brother in law.... My daughters violin teacher was telling me a story yesterday evening about him being out with Jon and Jon saying that he just needed to stop by his brother in laws' house for something and then working out who owned the rather palatial Country House..

He was interviewed by the Sussex Times about Jon and their work together, - by the sound of it they are going to run a nice piece about him this weekend. I will try and get a copy and scan it in for everybody.

My YouTube channel with plenty of my Joe's videos dating from 2009 inc his first Hammersmith Odeon ones:

28 (edited by dknight16 2012-07-18 20:23:00)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Airey over Wakeman for sure.  Don has an unbelievable resume.

Gibson 60th Anniversary 1959 Les Paul Reissue, Gibson LP Standard Faded CSB, Gibson Gary Moore LP Standard, Epi Joe Bonamassa GT LP, Epi Zakk Wylde LP, Dean Michael Schenker Flying V, Jackson Randy Rhoads V, ESP/LTD George Lynch Kamikaze, EVH Striped Series R/B/W, Fender/Squire John 5 Telecaster, Fender Joe Strummer Relic Telecaster

29 (edited by bowfell 2012-07-19 15:19:44)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Sunflower jam posted
http://www.thesunflowerjam.com/media/we … u-jon-lord

Re: RIP Jon Lord

As a guitarist, I honestly think I've been influenced as much by him in Purple as Blackmore. That sound, those melodies...that attitude to make that instrument be the forefront...not background to the solos...
He and John Paul Jones cover all keys that matter to me in rock and blues.

Re: RIP Jon Lord

http://life.royalalberthall.com/wp/wp-c … Lord-1.jpg

No matter how far you try to push the envelope, it remains stationery

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Thanks for this Relayer .... great pic!

GOOD KARMA - http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3zkw … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Oio8V3e3WU&ob=av2e -
We Are The Champ20ns

Re: RIP Jon Lord


Re: RIP Jon Lord

Kinda cool to see Neil Murray posted a comment!

Gibson 60th Anniversary 1959 Les Paul Reissue, Gibson LP Standard Faded CSB, Gibson Gary Moore LP Standard, Epi Joe Bonamassa GT LP, Epi Zakk Wylde LP, Dean Michael Schenker Flying V, Jackson Randy Rhoads V, ESP/LTD George Lynch Kamikaze, EVH Striped Series R/B/W, Fender/Squire John 5 Telecaster, Fender Joe Strummer Relic Telecaster

35 (edited by Wooders 2012-07-20 04:06:48)

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Thanks for finding this Relayer. I'm sure Joe will treasure this great pic forever. I would love to have heard what Jon said to Joe. Whatever it was I'm sure it was complimentary. smile


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: RIP Jon Lord

Very sad news which I heard while on holiday. Deep Purple was always credible while Jon was in the band, he was a brilliant musician and recorded some great albums with Whitesnake too. Glad I got to see him live in 1997 (although sadly not with RB). RIP

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)