Topic: Aerosmith "Rocks" CD (Remastered)
I always liked this record, but had not listened to it since I had it on vinyl. I kind of burned out on it and just never replaced it on CD. Fast God, has it been 32 years?? Anyway just got the remastered CD and it's incredible. Whoever engineered this project sure got it right! It doesn't have that early Aeorsmith blended soup thing going on. There is some definition and separation to the instruments and vocals, and the mix is strong.
It's like hearing it again for the first time, only better. Even if you're a passive moderate Aerosmith fan, put this on your short list of CD's to buy! After hearing this I just ordered a remastered Toys CD too. Hope it came out as good as this...
(iTunes still doesn't have Rocks or Toys In The Attic yet, either).