Topic: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind

I have been fortunate enough to have listened to Glenn Hughes for a long period of my life.
He has brought me so much great music with all the varied and wonderful musicians he has worked with throughout his career, topping it off with Joe Bonamassa with BCC.

I posted a couple of my favorite clips of his music and his absolute brilliant singing.  He is one of those singer's that makes me listen to every word he sings because he can put different textures with each word he sings. His vibrato changes depending on what he wants to do with a particular word in a song. He's one of those singers where he takes something so difficult, but makes it look so effortless. He is one of the most powerful singers and he changes ranges so much throughout a song, that is what his gift is for me.  That opens up a song to be more emotional and powerful than most people who would sing that same song. 

Basically, he can make love to a phrase with the way he caresses an individual word or slam it down your throat(metal-like) like he does with Tony Iommi in the 3rd clip.

I am just so glad he is still around to show how to sing a song. And of course the bass player and song writer that he is. … re=related

This is a supergroup and them bringing in Steve with Glenn was just brilliant in how much they connected with each other. The right 2 guys for this song. … re=related

Glenn and Tony:  this one shows how he can change singing style with more straight ahead vocals.

I hope one day he and Paul Rodgers can do something together.  Just to see the 2 cut heads in a friendly way.  Also throw in some Ritchie Blackmore.

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

Re: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind

I too have been a Glenn fan sice the Deep Purple days.  What a brilliant move it was to have both Coverdale and Hughes replace Gillan.  Too bad Ritchie didn't like the new directions they brought with them.  I have the Hughes-Thrall album and saw them as an opening act way back when.  Also have all of his solo stuff and the two HTP albums.  Of course my favorite was the work he did with Tony Iommi (Seventh Star, 1996 Dep Sessions, and Fused) - just brilliant stuff.  Now we have a re-energized GH in BCC.  For a guy who never really had that incredible commercial breakthrough moment, his catalog is impressive.

Glenn is great.

Gibson 60th Anniversary 1959 Les Paul Reissue, Gibson LP Standard Faded CSB, Gibson Gary Moore LP Standard, Epi Joe Bonamassa GT LP, Epi Zakk Wylde LP, Dean Michael Schenker Flying V, Jackson Randy Rhoads V, ESP/LTD George Lynch Kamikaze, EVH Striped Series R/B/W, Fender/Squire John 5 Telecaster, Fender Joe Strummer Relic Telecaster

Re: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind

I'll admit I'm not a huge huge fan of his singing, but I certainly don't hate it. And I'll also admit I never took the time to explore more of his singing capabilities either, which I should in order to make a fair opinion. In the latest BCC short video of them in the studio and Glenn getting excited over Joe's 335, he seems like a trip to be around!

Re: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind

Is there nothing this guy can't do spectacularly well?
His songwriting strength is that of classic songs every single album.

Re: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind … ?id=274318

Re: Glenn Hughes-One of a Kind

Jane, get Glenn Hughes Music For The Divine one of my personal favorites. Great cover of Nights In White Satin with John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on guitar.