Topic: Rory Gallagher RIP June 14th
June 14th, 1995
Seventeen years gone
The legacy still lives
Crank Rory if you have him
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Rory Gallagher RIP June 14th
June 14th, 1995
Seventeen years gone
The legacy still lives
Crank Rory if you have him
I was born the same day as Rory ,been a big fan since I was about 13.
The first time I saw Rory was in the mid seventies. He opened for Kansas in a tiny (and very aged) gymnasium where I went to college. Well, almost opened for Kansas. Rory tore it up so well that the electrical system in the building conked out after his set. At least it was after he was done.
Downside, they couldn't ever get things straightened out for Kansas to follow. Upside, I saw a killer Rory set for the whopping total of $5, as part of the ticket price was refunded. And though it's not Rory related, earlier that day I played some pool with a couple of the Kansas band members and crew, as they killed time waiting for the show that night. Like a private "meet & greet".
I've still got my Rory on vinyl, time to give it a spin.
Rory is one of best guitarists of all times.
One of the true greats and one of the true originals. Always did it his way. RIP
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Rory Gallagher RIP June 14th
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