Re: Phil X
Judging by twitter it seems as if Joe met Phil for the first time a couple of days ago.... They've seemed to hit it off!!!
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Phil X
Judging by twitter it seems as if Joe met Phil for the first time a couple of days ago.... They've seemed to hit it off!!!
I too like the sound of those amps. Very clear. My sloppy playing probably wouldn't like them..!
I obviously don't know the guy (Phil X) but judging by his skill and seeing the various guitars in his collection/rundown video he doesn't seem the type who gets caught up in the hair splitting over gear and whats good because someone famous says it is or its hand wired etc.. Some of the snot faced rich guys I know who spend big bucks on boutique amps play terribly and have clearly wasted their money. Like to see their face if you handed them a Bad Monkey OD! Which is a pretty good pedal, you're right Dave.
Look who has hit the UK...first gig going on right now in Camden!
I sure enjoy his Fretted Americana videos .Seems like a cool wacky guy . Looks like he has a lotta fun with that
Well that was one of the greatest shows I have ever seen...and meeting Phil was of the most humble guys you could meet. … 5515_n.jpg
Videos I took...not greatest quality...but you get the idea..
I've been watching his Fretted America videos for some time. I love his energy and charisma, and the pure joy of playing that radiates from him. Watched several videos of his time filling in with Bon Jovi...impressive that he pulled that off after only 7 hours of rehersal. At least it was impressive to me.
Thats some incredible stuff from Phil there live, consider it was recorded on a camera/phone .. his soloing is insane, like an early EVH ... Love the "Walk All Over You" version superb and the other Fire and Hotel California ...
need to do some delving on him ... thats my type of music, great energy onstage
.............. Michael
The UK tour is finishing up...then they are heading back to do a fair number of shows in the USA...but a little birdy tells me that Phil to the power of X will be back in the UK next summer for some very exciting stuff...
Dave, I miss your old Kate Bush's avatar...
Dave, I miss your old Kate Bush's avatar...
Sorry, man...but she might be back sometime later this year...haha
Dead-on Van Halen...
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Phil X
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