Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

DaveWammbarro wrote:

Led Zeppelin O2
Pink Floyd Live8
Thin Lizzy w/ John Sykes a few times
Black Country Communion a few times

They are the gigs that made me really want to pick up the guitar as soon as I got home and work hard...and I did...and I do.
I have seen hundreds and hundreds and my only wish is that I had got to see Koss live...because even the youtubes and the bootlegs make me pick that guitar up straight away and really dig in...speed does not matter. Soul does.

How was the Zeppelin O2 show? I've heard it said that it wasn't great.... How was it for you?

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Not to mention Roger's vocals were out of tune at Live8.

Gibson 60th Anniversary 1959 Les Paul Reissue, Gibson LP Standard Faded CSB, Gibson Gary Moore LP Standard, Epi Joe Bonamassa GT LP, Epi Zakk Wylde LP, Dean Michael Schenker Flying V, Jackson Randy Rhoads V, ESP/LTD George Lynch Kamikaze, EVH Striped Series R/B/W, Fender/Squire John 5 Telecaster, Fender Joe Strummer Relic Telecaster

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Well...hang on a second...
We're talking inspirational gigs...not flawless, auto-tuned perfection...which leads to boring and predictable concerts that I so frequently see and hear.
The Zeppelin performance at the O2 was and is how they have always been...super-heavy to dynamic to on the edge...who knows how Page is going to play..that's the magic of it. There were minor feedback issues for the first few songs that could have been sorted quicker, but the O2 is a soundman's nightmare. I have 99% of the Zep bootlegs in circulation and I can absolutely guarantee that was the best version of Kashmir ever done...and by then the sound was stunning. The 2007 bootlegs do it no justice to be honest.
In regards to Floyd at was rusty...we know Roger lost most of it from around 1990 onwards...Mason wasn't tight and again...minor sound issues. Thing is, it was an amazing atmosphere...and I waited for 20hrs till that point to get a good view. The emotion in which Roger sang Wish You Were Here was something that was there for that particular night...same with Gilmour's Comfortably Numb solo...
Now we don't have Rick I'm glad I saw that.
Do any of the classic blues players have to be perfect in order to get the feel and soul across to you? I think it's being human.
I haven't put Bonamassa on there, because although I did love that show in 09...I did feel as it was just another date and 'going through the motions'...That sounds bad, but I just think sometimes its just easy for him when he has such skill...and plays live almost too much. Maybe that's me...I come from the Page/White school of with a bit of danger and the fact of when it does go wrong on a particular'll know about it.

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Jlowther wrote:

Tommy Emmanuel - Cambridge Corn Exchange


Joe Bonamassa - Cambridge Corn Exchange (Was on the front row and met him beforehand)

Tommy E was an Epiphany for me also - Having seen most of the rock and blues greats and many from other genres, he just completely blew me away. A brilliant performer with a great stage persona and skill pretty much beyond compare.

Rainbow in 76 - De Montford Hall Leicester - Blackmore, the ultimate Rock guitar player, the best improvisor, the father of metal, the show had me reeling.  When Ritchie is ON, the best live player I've ever seen.  The Live in Germany CD's from this tour are still my most played live albums.

Todd Rundgren - never saw him at his peak, but caught a show in Manchester 4 or 5 years ago and had a smile on my face that has lasted ever since. 

Elton at Hull KC stadium in 2003.   Had seen him many times, but this was 24000 people in our local soccer stadium.  Blazing hot day, 6 rows from the front - vast quantities of beer and wine and Elton solo with piano only, blew the place apart.  A stunning performance.

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Hendrix in 1970.  CSNY 1970 (right after Ohio).  SRV whenever I saw him.  Neil Young and Crazy Horse in the mid-late 1980's.  Joe Bonamassa on the back of a flatbed truck after a NASCAR race in 2004 - that one changed my life forever.  Second time I saw Mule (early 2000's - spent the first time trying to wrap my head around what they were doing).


"There's a lot of people that are in so much of a hurry to be, I guess, to be famous or that they don't want to take the time to learn to play and do all that.They'd rather just knock it down off a computer and maybe get on a game show and get famous..That's fine if that's what you want to do.
"We're more old school than that. We like creating the sounds."  - Tom Petty

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Bruce Springsteen 1981.

25 (edited by RickB 2012-06-06 14:32:25)

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Jimi Hendrix Experience, 1967 or so. My first live rock music and baptism of fire. That set the guitar playing bar pretty high! Very few have entered that realm since. I learned to like second tier acts after a while.

Free download from Vienna!
Lots of unique videos of Joe
Buy Joe's merchandise here. … hp?id=1381

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers, early 1985 in Virginia. I couldn't have been more than 15-20 feet from the stage, and that's the first time I remember a concert that made me want to drop everything and learn to play.

Honorable mention to The Who at RFK in D.C. a few years later and to the Black Crowes at Constitution Hall a few years after that.

I fully expect to edit this post later this year, after my first JB show.

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

The most inspiring event was Woodstock by several lightyears, but dont know if that counts as a "concert". For a single show Id have to say Hendrix and Band of Gypsy's NYE 69-70 (the show on the DVD),  but its close with Floyd at Carnegie Hall in Nov 71 and the original In The Flesh tour (Animals/Wish You Were Here)

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

The Floyd !
A live performance of The Dark Side of the Moon at Earls Court, shortly after its release in 1973.

GOOD KARMA - … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH -
We Are The Champ20ns

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

YES, me too!! I can't remember the exact date, but Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon tour at the Philadelphia Spectrum.

Also, very memorable from the 70's ~ David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust tour ~ Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania (Philly suburbs) Can't leave out The Moody Blues, at the Philadelphia Spectrum ~ mind altering.... lol

And more recently ~ February 26, 2008 ~ Steve Winwood & Eric Clapton ~ Madison Square Garden, New York
(I hear you PS Smith) I remember my hubby's copy of Vintage Guitar came featuring Steve on the cover as an underrated guitarist. I read the article right after the show and I took to the computer and wrote a passionate letter to the editor, which they published in the next issue. (cheap thrills lol) After all these years, I still feel opening the show with Had To Cry Today set the tone...we are going to blow your minds!! wink

And Dknight ~ that KWS tour was really spectacular!

ALSO, my 1st Joe show in 2004 in a small club will be etched in my mind forever!!! wink

Brack wrote:

The Floyd !
A live performance of The Dark Side of the Moon at Earls Court, shortly after its release in 1973.

StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Angela wrote:

After all these years, I still feel opening the show with Had To Cry Today set the tone...we are going to blow your minds!! wink

A song and album that is one of those "bookmarks" in the book of my life. Joe's  "Had to Cry" is the first cover that comes close to  doing justice to the emotion and power of that song. I missed SW/EC in 2008, would have been great memories of Blind Faith at the Fillmore East.

31 (edited by BluesMan 2012-06-10 22:08:35)

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

Not on TV or at a movie theater as I was present all of these...

I'll name three shows that, up until I saw Joe live, stand out in my mind...

Early 70's Pink Floyd at the Dane County Coliseum in Madison, Wisconsin, sitting about 50 feet dead center on the floor. During the show Roger Waters said they had a new album coming out and wanted to play some cuts from it to see how we liked it. They ended playing the entire album and yes, the title was, "Dark Side of the Moon".

Again, early to mid 70's saw Rory Gallagher twice at a basement club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin called, "Humpin' Hanna's which no longer stands. Sat about 10 feet, center on the floor with Rory and his band right in front of us. Never, ever had I seen anyone play like that! Well, until...

I saw Joe for the first time at his very last show at Shank Hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 10, 2006. My words fail to express what I saw and heard that night...a picture and a description below it... … 399006021/

Every Joe show I've been to since including the one above,  stands far above the Pink Floyd or Rory Gallagher shows I was at. However, in addition to my first Joe show, there are others that stand out too. Royal Albert Hall, 1st row, center section and I left my camera under my seat, unlike others, as instructed by the ushers. But I did get photos of the Great Hall before and the after-party where Joe not only came, but brought his parents, sister, sister's fiance and some friends and stayed a fairly long time... … 059666620/

The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, California 1st row center with my chair almost against the stage. For a good part of the show Joe played right over me as his mic stand was right in front of me... … 851258350/

The House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio, 2nd row center sitting with Melissa Durse, Dean Mascarella and their son Nico. Ms. Patty Patrick was awarded her Joe Bonamassa Les Paul Goldtop, one of only 300, at this show. I rode a Greyhound Bus from  Milwaukee to Cleveland in the dead of the night for over 10 hours just to be there. I must have been mentally ill to do that, but have recovered nicely! I think? wink ... … 993896622/

Turner Hall Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1st row with the cafe' style table set next to the stage. This one is special because, with about 4 1/2 minutes left in the show, Joe did something that absolutely blew us all away. Well, except for Tallan who kept telling his dad Carl, that he was going to get up and play with Joe. Tallan and Carl were sitting with me at the table... The video of that happening...  And pictures from the show... … 141468078/

My last Joe show on May 3, 2012 at the Greater Des Moines Civic Center in Des Moines, Iowa 3rd row, center section and simply said, you just can't play or sing any better than this! Patty Patrick was again honored at this show and Joe played her guitar, which he signed in Cleveland, on this night... … 000419579/

Hope you all enjoy your life and the great times that you have and will have in the future! smile


Joe is the Best!

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

BluesMan wrote:

The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, 1st row center with my chair almost against the stage. For a good part of the show Joe played right over me as his mic stand was right in front of me... … 851258350/


Joe at the Coach House...must have been incredible (I live 10 minutes from there). Unfortunately I hadnt yet seen a 9 year old guitarist on Americas Got Talent who cited JB as an influence, and he was strictly "Bonawho" to me at the time.

33 (edited by BluesMan 2012-06-07 11:51:44)

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

holdemxpert wrote:
BluesMan wrote:

The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, 1st row center with my chair almost against the stage. For a good part of the show Joe played right over me as his mic stand was right in front of me... … 851258350/


Joe at the Coach House...must have been incredible (I live 10 minutes from there). Unfortunately I hadnt yet seen a 9 year old guitarist on Americas Got Talent who cited JB as an influence, and he was strictly "Bonawho" to me at the time.

I'll take an assist on that one. wink Tallan, along with his parents Doric and Carl Latz, are very close to me, darn near family members. One time both Tallan and Carl were with me to see the Great Hubert Sumlin playing with the Willie "Big Eyes" Smith Band in Grafton, Wisconsin. At a table next to ours, was a fellow who I believe was a local promoter and he asked Tallan who his influences were. Tallan named Joe Satriani, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix...and then I whispered to him, "And Joe Bonamassa!" Tallan turned around and said, "What Roy?" And I said, "And Joe Bonamassa!" Tallan whips around and said to this fellow, "Oh, and Joe Bonamassa!" This is an absolute true story.

We had hoped Tallan would get up with the band to play and when hope was all but lost, that's exactly what happened. As a matter of fact, Hubert unplugged form his amp and let Tallan plug in. Hubert sat back and just enjoyed what he was seeing and hearing. May God rest both Hubert's and Willie's souls, Heaven must have some wonderful music by now! smile

Pictures... … 141400292/


Joe is the Best!

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

holdemxpert wrote:
BluesMan wrote:

The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, 1st row center with my chair almost against the stage. For a good part of the show Joe played right over me as his mic stand was right in front of me... … 851258350/


Joe at the Coach House...must have been incredible (I live 10 minutes from there). Unfortunately I hadnt yet seen a 9 year old guitarist on Americas Got Talent who cited JB as an influence, and he was strictly "Bonawho" to me at the time.

I'm excited that you remembered Tallan! AGT gave him such a run around, I refuse to watch. Roy introduced me to him when he was 8. And Roy, Hubert was a one of a kind. The man oozed love. NO ego. Sweet, sweet man sad     Cathy

35 (edited by holdemxpert 2012-06-07 12:35:43)

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

cathysiler wrote:
holdemxpert wrote:
BluesMan wrote:

The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, 1st row center with my chair almost against the stage. For a good part of the show Joe played right over me as his mic stand was right in front of me... … 851258350/


Joe at the Coach House...must have been incredible (I live 10 minutes from there). Unfortunately I hadnt yet seen a 9 year old guitarist on Americas Got Talent who cited JB as an influence, and he was strictly "Bonawho" to me at the time.

I'm excited that you remembered Tallan! AGT gave him such a run around, I refuse to watch. Roy introduced me to him when he was 8. And Roy, Hubert was a one of a kind. The man oozed love. NO ego. Sweet, sweet man sad     Cathy

Remember him? Hell, I owe him bigtime!  I was on google/youtube about 2 minutes after that AGT, had that first "Holy S**t" moment and that started this sweet obsession smile

Re: Most inspiring concert you've been to/seen.

About Joe covering HTCT ~ I remember researching this song and who had covered it between Blind Faith and Joe B.  I could not believe the little attention this song had received up until Joe doing it justice!! My rock n' roll fantasy mind had wondered what Winwood and Clapton thought about Joe's cover. I use to be on a mailing list for Winwood's fan club before he started charging, fans were allowed to ask questions. My fantasy had a big letdown and I'm still surprised at Steve's answer.

"Q: Did you like the way Joe Bonamassa covered "Had To Cry Today?" I was surprised no other musician ever covered it before. Just a fantastic song and a great opener with Clapton at Madison Square Garden.
A: i haven't heard that version although I did play with Joe a few years back

Answered on 07/26/2011 by Steve Winwood"

There is no way I can prove this, but I think Joe is responsible for breathing new life in this classic song and introducing it to younger fans & re-introducing it to older fans.  In addition, if you look back at Blind Faith this song may have been a little bit of a sleeper amongst the hits from the album. (except to your diehard guitar players hooked on this song for the driving guitar riff)

Just my theories...have to get back to work, I just opened my credit card statement & cell phone bill, my daughter is personally stimulating the economy in Italy!! lol

holdemxpert wrote:
Angela wrote:

After all these years, I still feel opening the show with Had To Cry Today set the tone...we are going to blow your minds!! wink

A song and album that is one of those "bookmarks" in the book of my life. Joe's  "Had to Cry" is the first cover that comes close to  doing justice to the emotion and power of that song. I missed SW/EC in 2008, would have been great memories of Blind Faith at the Fillmore East.

StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.