Topic: My solo performance!
Hey guys, this a video of my first summative (for a grade) year 12 solo performance for the year, I have two more to do.
The gear I used was my Fender Mexican strat with Seymour Duncan SSL-1's in the neck and middle with an SSL-5 in the bridge into an MXR Classic 108 fuzz pedal into a 90's Marshall 40 watt valvstate (8040) using the clean channel for Lenny and the dirty channel (light gain) with the fuzz boosting and adding some gain and with some echo in the fx loop (only for always). It's a pretty cool sounding rig to my ear but the audio isn't great on this.
These are the two songs I performed:
1) Lenny - Stevie Ray Vaughan
2) Always With Me, Always With You - Joe Satriani
Overall I thought I did better after watching the video. I was nervous as hell performing (to only about 15 people) and I sorta do this thing where I blank out the experience of performing in my head. So I really couldn't acutally remember how I played lol. I'm no "performer" so I didn't really move alot, mostly just naturally the way I play when i'm alone.
Feel free to give any critique's and opinions guys! I want to hear them
Cheers, Alex.