1 (edited by airportdon 2011-11-14 09:38:13)

Topic: Michael Williams Band

Witnessed Michael Williams band for the first time Friday night @ Moondog's .

Anyone who is a fan of blues,slide played with a cigaretee lighter and some rock
should go and see this upcoming artist.....Best 7 dollars I spent in a long long time..

His 2nd Cd "Fire Red" was mixed by Eddie Kramer ( Hendrix)

Michael was on tour this summer as an opener for Buddy Guy, Johnny Land & Eric Johnson.
          ( What a great opener for those shows that would have been)

I can't wait for this 3 peice to come back around.....A+++++

Chris Duarte used to play with Michael's dad in Austin back in the day & I could
see where Michael got his lessons from....Chris was his 1st guitar teacher....

And so castles made of sand melts into the sea, eventually.........

Re: Michael Williams Band

Really like this young man. Really a sweet guy too. Met him this weekend at the Bay Blues Fest.

Video with comments from Eddie Kramer:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … pVyxRKLk#!         

Can't wait to see him again wink    Cathy

Re: Michael Williams Band

cathysiler wrote:

Really like this young man. Really a sweet guy too. Met him this weekend at the Bay Blues Fest.

Video with comments from Eddie Kramer:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … pVyxRKLk#!         

Can't wait to see him again wink    Cathy

That sounds really great. Superb clip thanks.. big_smile

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Michael Williams Band

The ghost of Hendrix and no pretender.  Damn...now I gotta check him out. VBG!

Re: Michael Williams Band

Years ago here in this forum I happened to read a passing mention about an unknown German guitarist named Henrik Freischlader and it was off to the races.  The mention yesterday about Michael Williams Band produced the same result.  This is why I come here.  It's only once in a blue moon that something this good drops out of the sky and no accident Eddie Kramer's involved.  The album Fire Red is a complete album with very little if any filler.  Strangely the song that Don attached, "Fire Red", is the only song that doesn't work for for me - a bit too derivative for my taste.  Royal  Southern Brotherhood may be the album of the year so far, but this one's a grower and just as interesting.