Topic: Does it get any better?

OK, so I've had the tickets for about 6 months to see Joe in Buffalo last night (awesome performance BTW), tonight in Syracuse and Saturday in Hartford. So that leaves Friday night open. At dinner yesterday before the show Jane asked me If I had heard that Johnny Winter was doing a free show in Rochester Friday night? Oh Boy! smile smile smile

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Does it get any better?

RICjunkie wrote:

OK, so I've had the tickets for about 6 months to see Joe in Buffalo last night (awesome performance BTW), tonight in Syracuse and Saturday in Hartford. So that leaves Friday night open. At dinner yesterday before the show Jane asked me If I had heard that Johnny Winter was doing a free show in Rochester Friday night? Oh Boy! smile smile smile

Nothing to complain!

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Does it get any better?

I can't make it as I'm at a class reunion that night, but for anyone who can do it - Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big) just tweeted that his original Band TALAS will play at the Hard Rock in Niagara Falls on July 28th. Original line up. I'm gutted as they say across the pond. Why THAT night? sad

Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Does it get any better?

Go see Talas. Johnny Winter is only a shell of what he used to be. Seeing Johnny and how he looks and is physically makes me want to cry.

When I was a child I spoke as a child, But all I heard was how I should get ahead,
Now growing up it ain't anything but all This indecision with these debts and doubts
And worries hanging over my head. When I was a child I spoke as a child,
I wish I could remember what I said.

5 (edited by ohiodawg13 2012-05-18 13:56:54)

Re: Does it get any better?

You missed it by one week, Johnny Winter is in Modesto Ca. tonight with my friend Volker Strifler opening for him. Should make your choice a bit simpler. Unless you want to see Steel Magnolia. Rev., Tom said TALAS was July 28, not tonight. OK, Tom, Jane, Rev., huddle up, I'm gonna draw this one out on the chalkboard....LOL!

                                                                                                        Rock The Vote,

                                                                                                        J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

6 (edited by RICjunkie 2012-05-18 13:55:12)

Re: Does it get any better?

I hear ya Rev. Paul. I was at Crossroads 2 years ago. I felt really bad for Johnny as he obviously wasn't having a good day.

JDawg - some day I will learn to count and read a calendar!

Kick back night tonight then off tomorrow to see Joe blow the roof off of Bushnell !

Major Tom to ground control...