Topic: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Got word of some Popa Chubby dates coming round soon; might be of interest.

June 18th - Robin 2, Wolverhampton
June 19th - Buck Hotel, Reeth (N.Yorks)
June 20th - Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh
July 20th - Honberg, Tuttlingen, Germany
Aug 2nd - Theatre de Verdue, Nice, France
Aug 3rd - Site de Landaoudec, Crozon, France
Oct 5th - Le Cooperative de Mai, Clemont-Ferrand, France
Oct 12th - La Laiterie Club, Strasbourg, France

Probably more to come, so add on if you know them.


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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

I don't see any of these dates listed on his site, but they were probably just recently booked. Ted is another guitarist's guitarist to me, like Jeff Beck. He is a great guy and plays his heart out, don't miss him. Speaking of Jeff Beck, here's Popa's take on another classic, strange but very awesome imo.

As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Here's something fun!

I love how we both resort to finger tapping near the end :-O I felt dirty for days afterwards LOL

Ted is a gracious guy and lots of fun.

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Have made a few calls and there's a possibility I'll be joining Ted as support on a couple of the UK dates :-)

Will let you know.


Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Ron Sayer Jr wrote:

Have made a few calls and there's a possibility I'll be joining Ted as support on a couple of the UK dates :-)

Will let you know.


Fingers crossed


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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Update on Europe and UK dates for June 2012 (2 new UK shows added)

15       St Veit, Austria              St. Veit Blues Festival
16       Grollo, NL                      Groeten Uit Grolloo
18       Wolverhampton, UK     Robin 2
19       Reeth, UK                      Buck Hotel 
20       Edinburgh, UK              Voodoo Rooms 
21       Glasgow, UK                 The Ferry
22       Sutton, UK                     The Boom Boom Room     
27-29  Italy                                Specific Venues TBA                             
30       Rapperswill, CH            Rapperswill Blues Festival


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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Nothing remotely close to north east England though!

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Dave82775 wrote:

Nothing remotely close to north east England though!

Shame, Edinburgh's just a couple of hours from Newcastle if you're tempted!

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Greenose wrote:
Dave82775 wrote:

Nothing remotely close to north east England though!

Shame, Edinburgh's just a couple of hours from Newcastle if you're tempted!

Indeed it is - but still too much when I'm at work the next day!!

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Dave82775 wrote:

Nothing remotely close to north east England though!

Reeth is North Yorks; only about 1 hour from Newcastle (and a crackin' little pub to boot).


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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Thanks Mike ...........Might look that up on my break at work later - 8pm finish tonight :-(

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Dave82775 wrote:

Thanks Mike ...........Might look that up on my break at work later - 8pm finish tonight :-(

Web site is  Nice little place in the heart of Swaledale.


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13 (edited by BansheeUK 2012-06-20 08:41:50)

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

What's a dazzling urbanite like Popa Chubby doing in a rustic setting like this? Rockin’ their world is the simple answer. I was stunned when I saw first saw this gig advertised but I’m glad I took VATA’s advice “You should go see him, man”. It was an awesome display of fiery fretwork from start to finish.

Things didn’t quite get an auspicious start, first the promoters told me the start time was pushed back as the venue were screening some football match (England v Borat according to Popa) and then the posters at the venue said it would only run 10pm to 11pm – Good job they didn’t tell him that, it was 12:15am when the band came off stage.

So then, low-key start, a few bars of Secret Agent Man then the James Bond Theme and things kicked off – we got plenty of old, new & Low Down & Dirty. A searing instrumental of Over The Rainbow segued into Hendrix’s Hey Joe. Come 11pm, one Marshall amp down and we hadn’t all turned into pumpkins as the big man was led to believe, and so they played on; instrumental jams like She Made Me Beg For It vied with older stuff and even some Classical as well as more classic Hendrix, And The Wind Cries Mary.

Midnight came round, and the guys were on a roll, we had a blistering duo of guitar work with a friend of Popa’s, the band showcased; there was a great atmosphere. It had shades of becoming a lock-in, and with 2ft thick walls around the venue, I don’t think the rest of Reeth would even have known. Sadly though, the night’s proceedings had to come to and end, and what an ending; Wild Horses and a blistering Brown Sugar.

It was a smallish function room in a 18th century coach house but had a great atmosphere with 60 or so people rapt by this New Yorker and his beat-up fender, but what a great night. Like sitting in a ’67 Chevy Impala with a big block V8 – it ain’t pretty, it ain’t sophisticated, but boy its fun when it opens up and roars. As Russ Tippins says – “anyone who can make the word “man” stretch over 2 syllables has to be cool. And so is the guy who had the bottle to book him for this little hidden gem of a venue.


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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

I love your reviews, Mike. big_smile It certainly sounds like this one was a lot of fun with the great variety of tunes played. I've yet to see Popa but your review has made me determined to catch up with him one day. Sadly, it won't be this week. sad


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

many thanks Mike for the review, sounds like it was a great show. Kind of surprised he included Over the Rainbow, his take on it is amazing. I'm also determined to see him when he gets back over here, meanwhile very envious of yous guys.

As corn through a goose, so are the days of our lives

16 (edited by BansheeUK 2012-06-20 09:22:12)

Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

Cheers for that Phil, Tres; it sure was a great night. It was Virgil McMahon's recommendation that I sieze the chance to catch Popa, VATA toured with him a couple of years ago, and if Virgil rates someone, that's good enough for me; and another pint I'll have to stand him.

I wish I could remember more of the numbers played; Angel On My Shoulder was one I missed in the review; even a kick-*** version of Duane Eddy's Peter Gunn sneaked in somewhere before the end. Truth is, on the way back I hit major re-surfacing works on the Scotch Corner roundabout and at 1am my already frazzled brain just couldn't cope.

Gotta say again, great little venue for somewhere out in the "wilds"; has a cool little club atmosphere going. They've been hosting similar gigs for the last couple of years and doing a great job at it - long may they continue. By the way, should anyone find themselves there, I heartliy recommend the Copper Dragon hand-drawn ale....hic!


From the man himself; Over The Rainbow -

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
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Re: Popa Chubby - UK/European dates 2012

I saw Popa in Edinburgh last night. Was a good show and he was in good spirits, far more so than his last visit to the city. Not really much more to add other than his one more song encore turned into a jam which went on for nearly half an hour and finished with Ace of Spades! I thought the sound man was going to have a fit as he kept flashing the lights as the curfew for the venue is 11pm!  On the downside only around 70 people so the show was a loss maker for the promoter.

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)