Topic: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??
Ok I'm really not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here since the other Under 21 Musicians thread is here too.
So I sing in my friend's band and we play a lot of bars and clubs in the NYC area. Now I'm 20 and all the other band members are 2x/3x my age, but the places still let me in cause I'm in the band and I tell them I'm not here to drink, just to sing. I haven't had a problem with it until last night. Two of my under 21 friends came to see me but the bouncer said they couldn't stay. Now I had never had a problem with even going into this place before cause I was with my adult friends and they would always say "oh, she's with me, etc." But they wouldn't even let my friends stay if they would sit with adults I know to "watch" them. So I told them (this was my mistake) that if I can perform there and I'm not 21 yet, they should. But then then cracked down on me and said I couldn't sing with the band. My bandmates tried to get them to change their minds but the owners were all scared cause of undercover police officers coming in to check for minors or whatever. Our drummer even pointed out that the law states that you can work in a bar when you're 18 so technically I should have been able to sing. But they didn't let me. The gig went on but a lot of people were disappointed that I got kicked out, as was I.
Have any of you guys had problems as well? This is also open to any of you who are of age now but had problems performing when they were under 21, or know anyone in that situation, etc. I feel like as scared as they were for getting caught, it still wasn't fair.