Topic: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Ok I'm really not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here since the other Under 21 Musicians thread is here too.

So I sing in my friend's band and we play a lot of bars and clubs in the NYC area. Now I'm 20 and all the other band members are 2x/3x my age, but the places still let me in cause I'm in the band and I tell them I'm not here to drink, just to sing. I haven't had a problem with it until last night. Two of my under 21 friends came to see me but the bouncer said they couldn't stay. Now I had never had a problem with even going into this place before cause I was with my adult friends and they would always say "oh, she's with me, etc." But they wouldn't even let my friends stay if they would sit with adults I know to "watch" them. So I told them (this was my mistake) that if I can perform there and I'm not 21 yet, they should. But then then cracked down on me and said I couldn't sing with the band. My bandmates tried to get them to change their minds but the owners were all scared cause of undercover police officers coming in to check for minors or whatever. Our drummer even pointed out that the law states that you can work in a bar when you're 18 so technically I should have been able to sing. But they didn't let me. The gig went on but a lot of people were disappointed that I got kicked out, as was I.
Have any of you guys had problems as well? This is also open to any of you who are of age now but had problems performing when they were under 21, or know anyone in that situation, etc. I feel like as scared as they were for getting caught, it still wasn't fair.



Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

If you were flying under the radar being allowed in to perform you probably should have let it go at that instead of trying to get some friends who were also underage to be let in. I know you can be under 21 and still work at a bar even after 9pm or whenever, and maybe since technically you were "working" they rationalized it by looking at it that way. But you're not really Employed by the bar so I have to side with them if they say you can't be in to sing etc.. If I was under 21 and being allowed to play in a nightclub after hours, I wouldn't push it by trying to get my friends in. The law can come down pretty hard on bar owners. You'll be 21 in less than a year anyway. Just have to wait like the rest of us did! -S

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

I'm 17 and this happened when I was 16 and I've played twice as one off songs for my guitar teachers band and Stefan Hauk's band. They have a no under 18's allowed past 9pm rule I think and I was playing at the end of Stefan's set and about song or 2 before I was going to go on, one of the bouncers came and asked for ID and I told him I was under 18 and was going to perform (I don't think he believed me) but luckily before I got kicked out, my guitar teacher was there to tell him I was performing and so it was all good and even before that I've stayed watching performances at the pub until way past 9pm without any question. I think sometimes it must just be they happened to pick on you for no reason, and I agree with helrazr I don't think you should have told them you were under age because most times they can't tell whether you are or not.

4 (edited by ohiodawg13 2012-05-12 22:54:10)

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

it's_all_about_apples wrote:

Ok I'm really not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here since the other Under 21 Musicians thread is here too.

So I sing in my friend's band and we play a lot of bars and clubs in the NYC area. Now I'm 20 and all the other band members are 2x/3x my age, but the places still let me in cause I'm in the band and I tell them I'm not here to drink, just to sing. I haven't had a problem with it until last night. Two of my under 21 friends came to see me but the bouncer said they couldn't stay. Now I had never had a problem with even going into this place before cause I was with my adult friends and they would always say "oh, she's with me, etc." But they wouldn't even let my friends stay if they would sit with adults I know to "watch" them. So I told them (this was my mistake) that if I can perform there and I'm not 21 yet, they should. But then then cracked down on me and said I couldn't sing with the band. My bandmates tried to get them to change their minds but the owners were all scared cause of undercover police officers coming in to check for minors or whatever. Our drummer even pointed out that the law states that you can work in a bar when you're 18 so technically I should have been able to sing. But they didn't let me. The gig went on but a lot of people were disappointed that I got kicked out, as was I.
Have any of you guys had problems as well? This is also open to any of you who are of age now but had problems performing when they were under 21, or know anyone in that situation, etc. I feel like as scared as they were for getting caught, it still wasn't fair.

How would you have felt if you were the one responsible for the bar losing it's liquor license for you and or your friends being in there under age? I don't know the specifics of liquor license violations in New York, but here in Cali. your license gets suspended a minimum of 2 weeks or longer, no license=no booze served=no money made. Here in Cali. you and your friends can be in a bar if they also have a restaraunt serving food, but you can't sit at the bar. Regardless of that rule most places keep minors out after 9 or 10 when music starts, it's just not worth it. Another trick is don't wear your helmets with the lights on them, then people won't know you're miners, LOL!

                                                                                                              Rock The Vote,

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What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Most of the smaller venues in UK that I go to are fairly relaxed about over 16 - but under 18 attendees at gigs. Provided that they are accompanied and don't try to buy alcohol etc.

My 16 yr old son accompanies me to most gigs - most are in licensed premises -  and its great to be able to share music with him. Come to think of it .............. it has to be a bit strange - or some sort of miracle that a 16 yr old likes the same stuff as his 50 yr old dad!! 

At the end of the day, I agree with the other posters - the bar owner or licencee has his job and reputation on the line. My dad used to say to me ...................... patience is a virtue.

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Dave82775 wrote:

Most of the smaller venues in UK that I go to are fairly relaxed about over 16 - but under 18 attendees at gigs

Yep, that would be my experience as well.

That said, i remember, i was served alcohol in a pub for the first time at 15/16 with a few school friends. We were expecting to get thrown out on our ears - but we weren't. The early 70's were really relaxed. We left after after one drink,(didn't want to push our luck) - then laughing to ourselves, as we made our way home! smile

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Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Same here, I was once given a dressing down by two cops for bringing an under age girl into a pub in Sheffield (The Stonehouse), the laugh was, I was younger than her and we were both 16. We are a lot more lax with age laws here even at 18 than you are in the states.  My son was once sent back to the hotel for ID in Florida. His age really was 30.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Yeah I have had a bit of trouble... but most of the time the venue turns a blind eye to it.....

Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Sad but true in the US. The business owner risks losing his liquor license and business by turning a blind eye.

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Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

Yeah my mistake was telling them I was under 21...probably scared them with that one. I'm thinking about getting a fake ID just in case and JUST to use for gigs, but at the same time I don't want to get arrested or whatever over a show. Besides, my 21st birthday is in January, so it's only for the rest of this year. And most places don't even ask me, they just assume I'm 21 or over unless the police are cracking down on them.
I wonder what Joe had to deal with in terms of this...any thoughts, Joe?

Most people in the US are excited to drink on their 21st birthdays...I'll be excited to play a show without worrying about getting caught...



Re: Under 21 Musicians---problems getting into bars/clubs to perform??

I think some cities have different rules for it. I know the town I live in the law is if you're 19 or older you can play at a bar (Galesburg, IL). I think some places are cool with it as long you don't try to abuse the privilege and get drinks or whatever, and I imagine a lot places are strict. The penalty for underage kids drinking at your bar is pretty tough. But also, there are some places don't even ask. I played with a band one time that a had a 17 year old playing keyboards. When my bandmates and I were younger we would just be straight up with the places we were trying to get booked and then the place would either be cool or would tell us no. Once I turned 21 I was relieved because I knew it wouldn't have any trouble going to clubs to play.