Topic: Who Dat

The pictures I posted of JB in the cool pic forum and Eric in this forum, are from the Riverbend festival in Chattanooga, TN. The festival runs nine days with five stages for the most part. I literally take hundreds of pictures.
I thought it might be fun if I post a pic and see how fast someone identifies the artist. There is usually no shortage of blues act's, so I will try to stick to that along with some that have been around long enough to be recognized.
Sound like fun?
I was going to start with Dana Fuchs but I see there is a thread about her so that would be too simple. I have some outstanding pictures of her though. I will add some to that thread.
Here goes, first one. … 010125.jpg


Re: Who Dat

I don't know who she is, but I'm sure that someone here will know. wink

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Who Dat

I'll bet you do know who she is. 2009 B.B. King entertainer of the year award winner. Need a close up? … 010140.jpg


4 (edited by ohiodawg13 2012-04-30 00:52:49)

Re: Who Dat

Janiva Magness, she went through hell to get to heaven and deserves the success she's enjoying these days. She's part of Tommy Castro's Legendary Rhythym & Blues Review.

                                                                                                 Rock The Vote,

                                                                                                 J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Who Dat

I saw her live a few years ago at the Doheney fest. Man oh man, what a performer and voice! She had the place on fire.

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Re: Who Dat

One of my fave outta the way venues in the valley has Tommy Castro this Fri. and Janiva next Fri. so many gigs, so little $$$ to do 'em all. How about another who dat CD?

                                                                                                   Rock The Vote,

                                                                                                   J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Who Dat

I'll confess that I never heard of her before now, but having just listened to the track below, I'm knocked out enough to want know and see more. big_smile

I may even start a topic for her. tongue

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Who Dat

Amsterhammer wrote:

I'll confess that I never heard of her before now, but having just listened to the track below, I'm knocked out enough to want know and see more. big_smile

I may even start a topic for her. tongue

Kinda sexy eh? Great clip and that is Janiva in all her glory! Smokin hot band too.

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Re: Who Dat

RickB wrote:

Kinda sexy eh? Great clip and that is Janiva in all her glory! Smokin hot band too.

Uh-huh. tongue That's my kind of woman. big_smile

Though to be honest, that dress is a little on the short side. tongue

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Who Dat

We have a winner! Next is a great blues guitarist that has been playing professionally for forty years.


11 (edited by ohiodawg13 2012-04-30 22:17:03)

Re: Who Dat

The guitar gave it away, Jimmy Thackery. He just came through NorCal and I got E-mails from a couple of the clubs he played with pic included. I guess I half-cheated on that one, or got lucky since he was in town.

                                                                                                            Next Please!

                                                                                                            J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Who Dat

ohiodawg13 wrote:

The guitar gave it away, Jimmy Thackery. He just came through NorCal and I got E-mails from a couple of the clubs he played with pic included. I guess I half-cheated on that one, or got lucky since he was in town.

                                                                                                            Next Please!

                                                                                                            J Dawg

I saw JT last Wednesday in San Francisco. Absolutely brilliant for 2 hours and 20 minutes. Shades of Hank Marvin and Mark Knopfler (less) in his playing. Check him out if you don't know him.

Re: Who Dat

Good singer - but for a woman her age - the dress is way too short - i've been told!

GOOD KARMA - … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH -
We Are The Champ20ns

14 (edited by cruckdriver 2012-05-01 21:25:00)

Re: Who Dat

That was quick. What about this lovely lady. … 010025.jpg
Great band, see them if you get a chance.


15 (edited by ohiodawg13 2012-05-01 21:30:39)

Re: Who Dat

Grace Potter, have yet to see her, but she's definitely on the hitlist.

                                                                                               Rock The Vote,

                                                                                               J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Who Dat

Oh yeah, you hit paydirt with a shot of Grace. She is well received on this forum. tongue
Heres a little vid I did last year.

Free download from Vienna!
Lots of unique videos of Joe
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Re: Who Dat

cruckdriver wrote:

That was quick. What about this lovely lady. … 010025.jpg
Great band, see them if you get a chance.

That was too easy! Nice pic though!!

GOOD KARMA - … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH -
We Are The Champ20ns

Re: Who Dat

RickB wrote:

Oh yeah, you hit paydirt with a shot of Grace. She is well received on this forum. tongue
Heres a little vid I did last year.

Oh yeah, CD, Grace is pretty popular amongst some here, especially me! tongue I like the way you posted Dana and Grace, my two main lady dream squeezes! Of course, The Goddess can't feature in a topic like this since everyone knows her by sight. wink

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith