1 (edited by helrazr84 2012-04-22 20:38:19)

Topic: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Been playing in a blues/funk style band for a while now 3 Mondays of the month. A friend of mine recorded us with his portable Zoom recorder (not sure of model). Anyway, not the cleanest of recordings but not terrible either. Please if you have a few minutes give it a listen and let me know what you think. We're a 4 piece, myself on Guitar along with bass, drums and harmonica making up the rest.

Guitar solo starts at the 1:10 mark if you're like me and like to skip straight to the solo sometimes.

The Rig is 2 Marshall Class5 Heads goosed with an Ibanez TS808 going into a 2x12 cab. ..and Les Paul Standard.

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Nice, thanks for sharing! I'm hearing some EJ influence in there smile I like it.

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Hey thanks a lot. Really cool of you to say that! We always open with that tune and without being self indulgent, when I heard the recording I thought the guitar tone was similar to EJ's. -Seth

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

York is right up the road for me!! I may have to come catch one of these shows! Nice job!     Cathy

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Enjoyed that, nice tight funky sound. I would come to listen if I was closer.....

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Hey I liked the groove you got going there. Solo sounded great.

There was just one thing that bugged me totally from about the 10th second

The drummer is just waaaaayyy too busy. Hitting everything in sight....all the time. The constant cymbals and fills really detracted from what the rest of you were doing.

Don't mean to insult or flame or anything like that. I think musically it was really good but the over drumming killed it for me a bit. Listen to it yourself again. Take out 50% of all of that and you would notice the difference. If he has to be heard give him a small solo break in the middle and then get him back tight to the groove again.

Less really could be more. Thanks for sharing though.

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

He's a little busy, I agree! Some songs are like that some aren't. I was playing in a band until last Oct with a VERY steady drummer, so its a bit different for me too.

Cathy- we play at The Cove in York. They started doing a Monday night blues thing and we're there every Monday of the month but the first. We do alright for only having practiced twice ever!

Thanks also PSmith. Bass player is in a popular Funk band around here, he lays down a pretty good grove on stuff. Fills in tremendously well since I'm the only guitar player. Last band I was in the bass player was very good but played very simple bass lines and the bottom dropped out completely during solos.

Glad you all liked it, means a lot! (sorry for the boring video..) -Seth

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Second Video:


Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Uploaded another tune. We're covering THE BEATLES: Come Together.


Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

helrazr84 wrote:

Uploaded another tune. We're covering THE BEATLES: Come Together.


A good cool version and the better for it in my humble opinion. Good job.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

hansamike wrote:

Hey I liked the groove you got going there. Solo sounded great.

There was just one thing that bugged me totally from about the 10th second

The drummer is just waaaaayyy too busy. Hitting everything in sight....all the time. The constant cymbals and fills really detracted from what the rest of you were doing.

Don't mean to insult or flame or anything like that. I think musically it was really good but the over drumming killed it for me a bit. Listen to it yourself again. Take out 50% of all of that and you would notice the difference. If he has to be heard give him a small solo break in the middle and then get him back tight to the groove again.

Less really could be more. Thanks for sharing though.

Years ago, I played a lot of meters tunes in a soul band.  If the drummer would take time to listen and study those drum parts, he'd benefit greatly.  I agree that he is way too noisy/busy.  Don't get me wrong, though.

I'm overjoyed to hear anybody play that style of music.  I love it.  Just like a SRV tune or an ABB tune, there's way more going on than first listen would indicate.  I study hard the parts, so I can learn AND

so my bandmates can tell me I'm psychotic slave driver...

Well Done.  Keep it up.  Tighten it up.  Good schtuff.


Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Thanks PSmith and BJJones! We don't practice, though we should. However its a Monday night ordeal to which not many people come out so yeah we are a little sloppy but can get away with it!

Peter: I like our version too even though I was never a fan of the original. Not a big Beatles fan in general but they accomplished a ton in their 6 or so years of being a band!

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

New Recording of CISSY STRUT. A little different, solos are different also. Gonna post another tune sometime today when finished. Stay tuned. Thanks a lot for listening, hope you all enjoy. -Seth (helrazr84)


Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

helrazr84 wrote:

New Recording of CISSY STRUT. A little different, solos are different also. Gonna post another tune sometime today when finished. Stay tuned. Thanks a lot for listening, hope you all enjoy. -Seth (helrazr84)


Great stuff, I would happily come in and enjoy an evening listening to you all if I ever get the chance to be in your neck of the woods. cool

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

PSmith1946 wrote:
helrazr84 wrote:

New Recording of CISSY STRUT. A little different, solos are different also. Gonna post another tune sometime today when finished. Stay tuned. Thanks a lot for listening, hope you all enjoy. -Seth (helrazr84)


Great stuff, I would happily come in and enjoy an evening listening to you all if I ever get the chance to be in your neck of the woods. cool

We could use a few more in the audience! Blues is dead around here.. A few people dress the part and act it, but aren't very good. We just go out and play and what comes out is what you get. Be it Blues, Funk, Rock, we just play!

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

New tune. Hard To Handle. I sing this one..brace yourselves. -Seth


Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

helrazr84 wrote:

New tune. Hard To Handle. I sing this one..brace yourselves. -Seth


Again really enjoyable music I could even get the other half listening to your stuff. Good job.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: My Monday Night Blues Band, Have a Listen

Awesome! Got 2 more tunes in the works, should be up shortly. Downloading and uploading etc..pain in the you know what..! Check back a little later, should be up by then.