Topic: Stefan Hauk

hey guys, thought I'd create an Other Artist page posting up my videos and recordings all in one place opposed to littering them around the forum and seeming like a self promoting twat.

Here's a rig demo I did with my Strat:

and here's a guitar solo cover of SRV's Tightrope:

cheers guys, rock on!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

Doing my first rehearsal for my debut album tomorrow, woohoo!!!

Re: Stefan Hauk … ata_player

just did a quick tutorial on how to play in one key in multiple positions, would be great if you could check it out!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

I now have my own website
Would be awesome if you guys checked it out or even singed up, Join me and others doing our best to keep blues and rock alive amongst today's generation!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

Bravo Stefan! Nice licks on Tightrope. Stick with it! Not many 16 y/o players with your skills. I've signed up wink    Cathy

Re: Stefan Hauk

Thank you guys, great to have your support!!! big_smile

Re: Stefan Hauk

I am extremely proud to say I gained my first Endorsement today, with a flight case company known as Raptor Case smile so happy, one of the best feelings, can't wait for my custom
Pedalboard to be made! Woohoo!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

stefanhauk wrote:

I am extremely proud to say I gained my first Endorsement today, with a flight case company known as Raptor Case smile so happy, one of the best feelings, can't wait for my custom
Pedalboard to be made! Woohoo!!


Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

Re: Stefan Hauk

Here's a vid of me playing and singing Smoke On The Water live at the Hampstead Hotel with band Flight 69 from this friday night.

Re: Stefan Hauk

You've got it all. Great job and great tone. Enjoyed it. Ta

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Stefan Hauk

PSmith1946 wrote:

You've got it all. Great job and great tone. Enjoyed it. Ta

Thank you very much mate, all this time on here and I still don't know your name.... If you don't mind me asking.....

Re: Stefan Hauk

Very boring but it's Pete or Peter whichever. Do you ever sleep, it's midday here?

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Stefan Hauk

PSmith1946 wrote:

Very boring but it's Pete or Peter whichever. Do you ever sleep, it's midday here?

Well nice to meet you Peter smile

It's 10:47pm over here in Aussieland... But yes on occasion I do sleep!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

That's about right then 2pm just gone, about to mark students work for the rest of the afternoon but hope to find a little time for the Epi. Have you ever tried the Marshall haze or the class 5? Looking at going tube but I just do it for fun. No gigs etc, on the horizon. If you have I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Stefan Hauk

PSmith1946 wrote:

That's about right then 2pm just gone, about to mark students work for the rest of the afternoon but hope to find a little time for the Epi. Have you ever tried the Marshall haze or the class 5? Looking at going tube but I just do it for fun. No gigs etc, on the horizon. If you have I'd be interested in your thoughts.

I really really like the Marshall haze, I lined it up against a new Vintage Modern a JVM and a DSL 401 and I preferred it over all of those.... It's a great amp (the 40w combo) the class 5 is also good but you have to crank it up and use pedals whereas the haze will also cover some basic effects!! The haze all the way!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

I found the haze gave me the Joe tone easier than those other Marshalls!!

Re: Stefan Hauk

Thanks for that, I was leaning that way myself. Keep putting the vids on. Talk soon.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Stefan Hauk

PSmith1946 wrote:

Thanks for that, I was leaning that way myself. Keep putting the vids on. Talk soon.

No problems mate, will do Peter!! Speak soon, Stefan smile