Topic: Jimmy Page
Hello everyone, I've been a member of this board for a while, though I don't post all that much. I wanted to let everyone know I've started a blog, but this one I think will be unique. I intend to take a journey through the life of Jimmy Page by learning as many songs as I possibly can that he ever recorded. From his skiffle days to Neil Christian, from the session years to the Yardbirds, from Led Zeppelin and beyond. I also want to go into depth about the man himself, from obvious facts to arcane knowledge. As well as explore the instuments, amps, and effects he used to make his music.
This is going to be a loooooong process of course but I think in the end I will become a better guitar player and maybe understand Jimmy Page just a little bit more, or at least how his mind worked creatively and how he developed as a musician. That's the goal anyway. I intend to explain the ins and outs of each song and then play them, describe how its going in the process, what parts are easy, what parts are difficult. Hopefully if you do end up reading it, you might be able to learn along with me.
I'm very excited about this venture and I invite you all to take the journey with me. So take a look, I've already figured out how to play skiffle like a 13 year old Jimmy Page and you can see how to do so yourself.
Take care everyone.
Here is the link in case you are at all interested....