Perhaps, but he deserves every ounce of being full. He is the absolute baddest there is, hands up & down! Regarding the variable baffling, my hat's off the the acoustical engineers with the foresight to practice the techniques....One of the most seldom used, most underrated things available to sound engineers, whether in sound reinforcement or studio. Some just like to twirl knobs and switches, Fisher-Price engineering in my book...
Rock On & Keep the Faith,
Shredit wrote:Love Buddy Guy the dude is great, saw him in Arizona last year. He played at the Mesa Performing Arts Center ( if you ever make it to AZ. check this place out, it is all wood, I think Birch or Alder, they can turn these baffles depending on what music is to be performed) The man knows how to work the crowd, maybe a little ful of himself too!
"He still doesn't charge for mistakes!

""Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here. I mean, there are professionals in here.”