Topic: The best of the solos - your picks

I do a load of guitar videos for Youtube and was planning on doing a Top 5 or Top 10 of Joe Bonamassa's greatest solos. I'm a bit stuck as to which ones to include, though, so I'm looking for some opinions.
(Only solos that have been recorded and released officially, mind. Not "that third one he did for Blues Deluxe live in Southern Ontario 2008" wink )
What are your faves?

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Have to think, but Song of Yesterday immediately comes to mind.

Gibson 60th Anniversary 1959 Les Paul Reissue, Gibson LP Standard Faded CSB, Gibson Gary Moore LP Standard, Epi Joe Bonamassa GT LP, Epi Zakk Wylde LP, Dean Michael Schenker Flying V, Jackson Randy Rhoads V, ESP/LTD George Lynch Kamikaze, EVH Striped Series R/B/W, Fender/Squire John 5 Telecaster, Fender Joe Strummer Relic Telecaster

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Django from the RAH.
So Many Roads.

Free download from Vienna! http://mbsy.co/bNLR
Lots of unique videos of Joe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwd5vL8fXTw
Buy Joe's merchandise here. http://www.jbonamassa.com/affiliates/id … hp?id=1381

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

You beat me to it GP, was gonna do a post/thread just like that, can't wait to hear the other forum members choices
Tough to pick your fave five

5th .. The Great Flood  ......      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU9KOzTjvn0

4th .. No Love On The Street   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UxJDcWk8Eg

3rd .. Reconsider Baby .....      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCdNsm7gvu8

2nd .. Song of Yesterday .....    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q5m2n1rhTI

1st .. Mountain Time .....           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h01xa6NMsJo

.............. Michael

PS .... Other Honourable Mentions

Blues Deluxe / Blues Deluxe
So Many Roads / You and Me
Pain and Sorrow / So It's Like That
Prisoner / Dust Bowl
Sloe Gin / Sloe Gin

Joe Bonamassa .......  His Greatest 3 Videos ... IMMHO   After Much Deliberation
3rd ...... Mountain Time / Rockpalast       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h01xa6NMsJo
2nd ...... Sloe Gin       /  Vienna            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRASS8O8ZnE           
1st ....... Blues Deluxe / The Borderline    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnl3E_KLxYg

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Yeah, 'Song of Yesterday' is one that I really love.  Also, his solo & outtro on 'Sloe Gin' from LFNIP nearly brings a tear to my eye every time I hear it...  As does the solo from 'Happier Times' from the RAH DVD...

JBLP Gold Top #129 - redubbed "#1 in Oz"

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

The first time I saw/heard "India" (at the beginning of the RAH encore) I was fully ensorcelled, and repeated viewings/listenings have not diminished its effect on me...

I am also fond of the version of "Django" on LFNIP, and the lead break on "Just Got Paid" from the same album. Other favorite solos: "Blue and Evil," "Heartbreaker," "Black Lung Heartache," "Stop!" (RAH version), and the "Jam Intro" from the live version of ANDY...

Terrance Shuman
New Castle, DE

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

I was under the impression that everthing was cool, knocks me out everytime I crank it up. Pain n Sorrow is just ridicolously good and the song that drew me in was...A Man of Many Words, one of the most underated Joe tunes, and let's not forget all the Bloodline stuff.

                                                                                Merry Xmas Damnit!

                                                                                J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

8 (edited by Lee 2011-12-19 00:14:54)

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

GP wrote:

I do a load of guitar videos for Youtube and was planning on doing a Top 5 or Top 10 of Joe Bonamassa's greatest solos. I'm a bit stuck as to which ones to include, though, so I'm looking for some opinions.
(Only solos that have been recorded and released officially, mind. Not "that third one he did for Blues Deluxe live in Southern Ontario 2008" wink )
What are your faves?

It sounds like you're looking for YouTube videos, but I'm not sure you'll find all my favorites on there. Here's a few:

"Never Make Your Move Too Soon" from "Had To Cry Today"
"Tea For One" from "You and Me"
"Blues Deluxe" from "Shepherds Bush"
"Mountain Time" from "Shepherds Bush"
"So Many Roads" from "Live From Nowhere In Particular"
"The Meaning Of The Blues" from "Dust Bowl'

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Well I want to break the rules by saying The Ballad of John Henry specifically at the Adler Theater in Davenport,IA when Joe played Our Child 184, but I know that's not what you're looking for, so I won't  lol  Yes, I am being a brat  tongue and I was never good at following rules wink

                                                                pattyluvs cool

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: The best of the solos - your picks

pattyluvsjoe wrote:

Well I want to break the rules by saying The Ballad of John Henry specifically at the Adler Theater in Davenport,IA when Joe played Our Child 184, but I know that's not what you're looking for, so I won't  lol  Yes, I am being a brat  tongue and I was never good at following rules wink

                                                                pattyluvs cool

There's so many but If Hearaches Were Nickels ANDY live and on the Paul Jones show were two great versions - also Reconsider Baby, Happier Times, So Many Roads, Great Flood, Sloe Gin.......I could go on for ever!!!

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

GP wrote:

I do a load of guitar videos for Youtube and was planning on doing a Top 5 or Top 10 of Joe Bonamassa's greatest solos. I'm a bit stuck as to which ones to include, though, so I'm looking for some opinions.
(Only solos that have been recorded and released officially, mind. Not "that third one he did for Blues Deluxe live in Southern Ontario 2008" wink )
What are your faves?

Georgia, I could be mistaken, but I believe you are looking for faves that you can then play, record and post on YouTube ?


Re: The best of the solos - your picks

I'd have to say "Stop" and "Sloe Gin" are 2 of my favourites. I don't think you could go too far wrong with any of Joe's lead work though.


Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Georgia, I could be mistaken, but I believe you are looking for faves that you can then play, record and post on YouTube ?

That's the one smile Without meaning to blow my own trumpet as a player, the speed or complexity of the solo probably wouldn't be a limiting factor as to which ones I eventually post. I'm just getting a sense of what the fan favorites are; I did a video like this a few months back for RATM solos, (here's the link, for no apparent reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSfEL3I00P4) but since Joe B has so many more and it isn't as clean-cut as to what the standouts are, I thought I'd defer to the experts this time. wink

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Yeah Stop! definitely & So Many Roads as well.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

I like the outro solo he does on RAH on 'Sloe Gin' I think it is where he references Eric Clapton's - 'Edge of Darkness' Soundtrack. Was a nice touch after Eric playing earlier with him.

'Quarrymans Lament' has one of my faves, probably lost in all those Greek instruments, but a great sound there.

'Tea for One' is my 'Meisterwerk' by Joe. Simply magnificent and his elongated solo on his cover of 'Just Got Paid' on the LFNIP album is a keeper for eternity.

Song of Yesterday, Stop, So many Roads.......can anyone really choose? There are so many. How very lucky we are........

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Blues Deluxe from RAH is one of my personal favorites. The level of dynamics in the entire song is amazing and the solo brings it all to a head.

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

Mountain Time is a must!

Re: The best of the solos - your picks

I'd Rather Go Blind from the Beth Hart album