Topic: Yakima

Just wanted to say 12-11-11 Yakima show was superlative.  Feel sorry for the Seattle Paramount folks (sold out) should have come to Yaktown for an insane show.  1/3 the venue size, we scored big time.  Although I'm sure he'll fill the Paramount quite handily.  The sound here was insane.  Best I've ever heard.  Kudos to the sound techs and kudos to the entire band for an incredible performance.

Re: Yakima

Got that right, cencourt.   It was a hell of a performance by everyone and tomorrow in Seattle should be hot too.   Great to see an eclectic crowd from central and E WA convene in Yakivegas and welcome Joe to town (Olive Garden notwithstanding :-))

Re: Yakima


Great show, great sound.

JBLP (aged) 293, JBLP STD, JB ES-335, JBLP Studio, JBLP Goldtop Epi, JBLP Inverness Green Epi.