1 (edited by The RiverCat^-^ 2011-12-10 05:34:52)

Topic: Ralph Mooney-Steel Guitar

Being that Joe was in Bakersfield and someone mentioned Merle Haggard and Buck Owens, It got to me thinking about Ralph Mooney.  His playing could pull at my heart. 

http://articles.latimes.com/2011/mar/22 … y-20110322

Here's a couple of clips that I really enjoyed of him.

Sometimes nobody can say it better then some good ole country lyrics like these 2 songs. 

Ralph Mooney and James Burton

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nn8T2AE … re=related
Love that Marty and Ralph did this as an instrumental. 

If you like traditional country music, I would highly recommend this album,
It was nice to see Marty Stuart make this special album come to fruition in 2010
"Ghost Train" (The Studio B Sessions)

Marty Stuart is one of the classiest people there is. And this album is a tribute to that class.  He has a lot of country memorabilia that he transformed into a museum to honor his friends.  He is just such a generous man and warm human being.  This is a special album for me because it is from his heart. And a nice touch is he has a duet on it with his wife smile

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

Re: Ralph Mooney-Steel Guitar

Thanks forposting, I know someone who is huge 'traditional' country fan and they are are currently glued to the links you have posted.

Re: Ralph Mooney-Steel Guitar

You are very welcome smile

What's great about this forum is the knowledge that different people bring together about artists others haven't heard before, so you can go exploring.  Just like I would like to see Virgil if they ever come to America.  Hope you are there too smile

Your post got me to thinking, watch out, Duck!   It brought up in my mind music and history.  And how music is so tied to the time period we live in.

A lot of music is tied together.  Marty Stuart is one of my favorites and I will post a few more clips of him here.
This first 2 are from the Album Ghost Train that I recommended above. 

And a commentary from him about his writing process on the album.  I wish I had a video like this for each album I purchased.   The story he tells at 3:29 and his wife's reaction gave me a chuckle because it was so innocent.  I could just imagine his poor wife's face yikes

Little Heartbreaker
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMJEJBIm … 90FE08C1E5


Rock this Town featuring Brian Setzer, Marty, and Ricky Skaggs (a smoking trio)(Rockabilly)

The Lonesome River(Listen to the Lyrics, How Blue is this)

Angels Rock Me to Sleep(Beautiful Harmonies) (A Gospel)

So there are a number of styles that have a foundation in traditional country music, that tell the plight of the human condition and the human soul.

Going Back to Music and History, Historically I have found Trains and Rivers to be a huge part of America.
And country music gives a deep foundation to both of these.

If your friend would ever like to post here, I would be very interested in there thoughts and artists smile

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol