Re: VATA Tour

Hi Guys, I dint think the venue has advertise it yet, if anyone prebooks tickets they get a free 'And So It Begins EP'.

Mandy and triggermala wrote:

Super review Mike, cant wait for the Tunnels on the 30th, their are 20 of us going from our small town, should be a great night.

92 (edited by Mandy and triggermala 2011-11-22 07:03:13)

Re: VATA Tour

Hi Martin, our tickets are in hand, recieved last week. Who is the support act for the night.

Re: VATA Tour

Here's Silver Giver from their show in Holmfirth, it was on the night of Joe's cancelled Blackpool gig, in case you didn't see it elsewhere...

Geoff O

Visit my Casino Images website

Re: VATA Tour

Geoff - did any of your videos from the night we were there come out?  Would love to see them - such a great night!


"There's a lot of people that are in so much of a hurry to be, I guess, to be famous or that they don't want to take the time to learn to play and do all that.They'd rather just knock it down off a computer and maybe get on a game show and get famous..That's fine if that's what you want to do.
"We're more old school than that. We like creating the sounds."  - Tom Petty

Re: VATA Tour

If you haven’t yet seen the current issue of Blues Matters (Issue 63) that has just hit my door mat and many good newsagents, there is a review of The Radium and an interview with Virgil, both written by Vicky Martin. Vicky is someone who knows their Blues matters and is highly impressed by Virgil’s playing and even more by his voice. Here’s the conclusion of the CD review:

“Virgil has good technique; he has a very good voice and (God willing) a lifetime to develop his gifts. This album is a great start and we look forward to what is to come.”

The interview offers a fascinating insight into Virgil’s past and how the CD is named after the beer hall in South Africa that Virgil’s father played with his band. Virgil would accompany his Dad to the gigs and would help out with the equipment – so music is definitely in his DNA. Besides which he’s been playing guitar since he was four years old. Sound familiar?

Grab a copy of BM 63 to read the full story – shameless plug. big_smile


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: VATA Tour

samjp4 wrote:

Geoff - did any of your videos from the night we were there come out?  Would love to see them - such a great night!


Hi Sandy, yes, I'll get round to posting them up on You Tube soon. Will be a week or two though.

Geoff O

Visit my Casino Images website

Re: VATA Tour

The Tunnels Bristol tonight, here is a video of the band trying to find their way onto the O2 Islington stage, thats me with the dodgy camera work sorry

Re: VATA Tour

Hi Martin, great video, cant wait for tonight, spotted maggie in her usual  front row position.See you and the guys later. have a good one.

Re: VATA Tour

Virgil's been out enjoying himself again, this time down in London with another couple of young guitar slingers that are making names for themsleves, Stoney Curtis and a young Italian lad, Diego Budicin.

Check this out:-


Word is that Aynsley's returning a favour and invited Virgil to join him at Robin2 tonight.

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

100 (edited by Kenny 2011-12-09 08:51:42)

Re: VATA Tour

Looking forward to seeing them supporting Uriah Heep in Glasgow on Sunday.

Martin - have the guys got a 45 minute slot?


101 (edited by mbcl 2011-12-09 17:49:08)

Re: VATA Tour

Kenny,Mwe have a long as we wish but the Heep are on at 9pm so we have to finish at 8.30pm. If there is a good crowd at 7.45 we will come out, but 8pm at the latest. Boys will be atmthe merch table at the end of our set and at the end of the night, so if you want to say high stop by smile



Re: VATA Tour

mbcl wrote:

Kenny,We have a long as we wish but heep are on at 9pm se we have to finish at 8.30pm. If there is a good crowd at 7.45 we will come out, but 8pm at the latest. Boys will be atbthe merch table at the end of our set and at the end of the night, so if you want to say high stopy by smile


Thanks for the quick confirmation Martin, the venue usually starts to fill up shortly after door opening.

Re: VATA Tour

Amsterhammer wrote:

What an excellent review, Mike! Thank you.

Alas, I still have to wait for early next year before I finally get to see these boys play live. Right now, there's no one whom I haven't seen before that I'm looking forward to seeing more than this band!  cool

Early next year?
Did I miss anything?
Is there a tour announced?

Maybe not my No 1 to see but they are in my top 10 bands to see first time.

Re: VATA Tour

Blues Sissi wrote:

Early next year?
Did I miss anything?
Is there a tour announced?

Maybe not my No 1 to see but they are in my top 10 bands to see first time.

No, nothing has been announced yet (that I'm aware of,) but Martin did mention (either here or on FB) that there will be a small Euro adventure in Feb./Mar I believe.

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

105 (edited by mbcl 2011-12-11 09:59:00)

Re: VATA Tour

Tonight early show
VATA 7.00pm till 7.45pm
Uriah Heep 8.15pm till 10.00pm (curfew).

Euro tour been booked for end of March.

Re: VATA Tour

Congratulations to the lads on their "nods" in this month's Classic Rock magazine.  Backstabber listed as one of the top tracks of the year and The Radium along with Giles Robson's Crokked Heart Of Mine as one of the top British Blues releases and in the top flight of Blues releases altogther; rubbing shoulders with the likes of JB, Philip Sayce and Warren Haynes.


When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

Re: VATA Tour

Bad luck Sandy D-M. Looks like you may have to take a detour sur le continent to catch the boys in March. yikes

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56


Re: VATA Tour

mbcl wrote:

Tonight early show
VATA 7.00pm till 7.45pm
Uriah Heep 8.15pm till 10.00pm (curfew).

Euro tour been booked for end of March.

I was at the AC/DC exhibition in Glasgow when you posted this Martin so had no way of knowing that the times had changed. We turned up at 7.30pm so only caught the last 2 songs. So disappointing but at least there will be a next time.
