Wow there Geoff, if your going to take on Grandma Cathy, you beter man up because, she can be very tough broad! Lots of love in that Cathy.
My exact heading of the thread was, "Do you ever worry about Joe?", and yes, I stated my opinion pointing out his unbelievable work schedule both on and off stage.
Mr. Duncan's initial response had this statement in it, "If you use the forum to get away from the problems of life, then please don’t try to engage us in your problems and invented concerns about Joe."
Note the words "you" and "yours"...who was Duncan referring to? True, there were others that have had a concern or two about Joe, but I'm not sure how anyone can say that statement was directed at me. So basically, Duncan was saying I have "problems" although, I think we all do in our lives. But what made my blood boil was the that I had "invented concerns" about Joe. Hey, like you, I state what I believe and feel here, not something made up! I thought, and maybe I'm wrong or the forum has changed, that direct attacks on someone is greatly frowned upon?
Anyway Rocket, I love you too ya little F*cker!
And Jon, who are you calling a Turkey, you little Bear loving Bonehead? I can say that to Jon because he knows down deep, I love him too!
As a matter of fact, I love everyone! Maybe we should all move in together at some International Bona-Commune just like we did in the late '60s and early 70s? But I've got the bed nearest the bathroom, my bladder isn't what it used to be when I was young like Duncan. Isn't it a b*itch to get old?
P.S. If all of that doesn't get this thread closed, I don't know what will!
Joe is the Best!