Okay guys, I've been crazy busy lately but now I have some to share what went down. First of all, the show we saw last Thursday was the best I've heard Robert play. He was on fire! Anyway, they started into some funky type jam, and he was on his red sparkle Tele that he plays. All of a sudden, he starts like offering it up to the crowd. I was front row, and I raised my hand. Robert pointed at me, and I got on stage. The roadie there handed some old guitar, and I just started playing, with Robert like 6 inches away from me (HOLY CRAP! lol). I just let it rip, I thought I played not too bad, wasn't nervous or anything, just grooving and having a good time. He let me go for about 3 or 4 minutes or so, and then my time was up, so I gave back the guitar. Robert asked me what my name was, said good job, and I jumped back off. He then handed it off to some other guy out of the crowd, and everybody around thought I was way better apparently. lol It was freakin' surreal. My girlfriend was with me and she was like WTF just happened! lol The only thing that would've been better is if it was Joe and I had my Bona-studio.
Oh well, a guy can dream.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"
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