I just finished my review for www.bluesmagazine.nl and it will be published soon.
Well it was a great great night. My friend Aloys Elshof ( P.S. he gave me the Joe CD/DVD A New Day Yesterday live in 2002 for my 50th Birthday, first day released in Europe! and my Bonamassastory began!)
We arrived at 19.00 for the interview but Atak forgot to tell Pat, so they were sleeping at the hotel. The band slept only 3 hours the night before when they drove from France to Holland. When they arrived backstage at 20.30 I went to Pat and Rodney, the bassplayer, and ask for an interview after the show. They took us straight to us to Pat's dressingroom and we had a very nice talk about everything that came up , it was not an ordinary interview. I brought 2 Joebottles of wine with me, the first one was opened immediately, which they really liked. ( Pat says HI to Joe, he mentioned he was on stage with Joe in Orlando last year and it was very cool to play together!)
The show started at 21.00 and the venue was almost sold out with I guess 600 people. From the first song the powerblues with a lot of dynamics , in which PT is famous for, rocked the house. The band played very thight, a well-oiled musicmachine and the members had a lot of fun on stage, as the public had too. The setlist was a mix from songs out of his whole carreer from beginning to his last (very good) CD Fidelis. The rockers Heat in the Street,Snortin Whiskey, Drinking Cocaine, Boom Boom Out Go The Lights but also bluesballades like Stevie, Save Me plus some covers like Red House, Statesboro Blues were on the setlist. The audience went into the show and it was a great show filled with wonderful, bluesrocking and rocking no fuzz music. I've seen 'Pat in 1976 for the first time and 3 times in the nineties but this show was the best for me. His second guitarplayer Kirk Mckim is so unbelievable good, he has a fat, rocking, fullsound and the duells with Pat were mindblowing. Bassplayer Rodney O'Quinn and Sean Shannon on drums kicked **** and gave Pat and Kirk a grounsolide foundation. I was surprised by Pat's voice, it was full and mature and sounded more relaxed then in the shows I've seen before.
After the show we went to Pat's dressingroom again and talked for about an hour about music, touring, CD's, Dvd's, tour next year, musicbusiness and..... wine.
Before we went home Rodney gave us some CD's and they all gave us a hug and off we went after a really fantastic night.
PT hopes to come back to Europe in March/April next year and we will be there again!
Pat, Rodney, Kirk and Sean thank you for this night!