Topic: Stealth Artists
I'm sure everyone here has encountered a promising artist or band that for some unexplained reason has never gotten the recognition they deserve. I wish I had a dime for every review or post with the line "best artist/band you never heard of". It doesn't seem fair when you see people like Taylor Swift garner such hideous stardom and all that cash and the broad cannot sing in key for the life of her. The reason I throw out new music in this forum is to somehow right a wrong and give voice to all these "Stealth Artists". Instead of going with an individual thread for less than mainstream artists I think I'll plop them here and hope everyone (Joe included) joins in.
The first artist I'll throw out is Monti Amundson. Monti doesn't have a bunch of cool vids to market hisself, but he's produced some fine music. He comes from the northwest and has cultivated a nice following in Europe. His acoustic I See Trouble and electric Man On the Floor are both tasty blues offerings. Click on songs in the lower left-side to sample his songs.