Topic: Michael Schenker's Tone superb.
Great to see him supporting BCC on his best form for many years.
His setup is gobsmackingly simple...the V's into all stock Boss pedals (delay, chorus, reverb and another I think)...a wah (half on for that particular tone - correct me if I'm wrong - didn't he also use two in the past?)
Running into a JCM800 usually - also I think there was a DSL 50w there in white? No utterly crazy volumes (starting to think I'm missing something other than his fingers here...)
No big budget needed..right, kids?
The tone was fantastic, especially at cutting through the band whilst being smooth and thick. Couldn't fault that...nor his playing of course.
I am definitely buying his new album - those two new songs he played were right up there as highlights of the set.
Nice one, Michael.