37 (edited by Wooders 2011-07-02 15:02:48)

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Last night's performance was yet another great gig in old London town. There was plenty for everyone with some new stuff from Low Country Blues, some old songs from Gregg's back catalogue and some nostalgia with quite a few ABB songs.

Gregg's current touring band is a 9 piece with a drummer, percussionist (long time partner, Floyd Miles), bass guitar, lead and slide guitar (Scott Sharrard - he's pretty good), keyboard, alto and tenor sax and flute (Jay Collins - this guy is very talented and a hot player), trumpet and sax from two UK session musicians and Gregg on Hammond and electric and acoustic guitars.

The set list is below but the crowd were mostly Gregg and ABB affocianados and there were plenty of calls for favourite songs. Cries of "Mountain Jaaaaam" and "play them all" raising a chuckle from the packed hall. big_smile  Gregg, looking a little world weary (not surprising given his health problems that are still not resolved) and looking as if he has a little trouble moving around, was on great form musically and really enjoyed the banter with the crowd.

When Gregg played the Warren Haynes' song Just Before The Bullets Fly I half expected him to introduce Warren to the stage, but sadly I'll have to wait another couple of days to see him in London.

Here are a few pics from last night.

Wednesday Derek and Susan, Friday Gregg and next Tuesday Warren. Does it get any better than this for a die hard ABB and Mule fan? The icing on the cake was a "Gregg Allman" guitar pick he tossed into the audience after playing one of my faves, One Way Out. big_smile

Set list:

1.    Don’t Keep Me Wondering
2.    I’m No Angel
3.    Tears, Tears, Tears
4.    One Way Out
5.    Just Another Rider
6.    You Must Be Crazy (sung by Floyd (when the mike worked))
7.    These Days (the Jackson Brown song from Laid Back)
8.    I Can’t Be Satisfied (sounded a little different to the studio version with lots of bass and a strong groove – nice slide from Scott)
9.    Dreams (featuring a long solo from Scott that included a duet with Jay on sax)
10.    Just Before The Bullets Fly
11.    Melissa (including some beautiful flute playing from Jay)
12.    Back To Daytona (sung by Floyd and written by him about Gregg and Duane)
13.    not sure about this one. Riding Tall? Anyway it featured another great sax solo from Jay.
14.    Midnight Rider
15.    Whipping Post

After what seemed like 10 minutes of clapping and yelling, Gregg came back in a clean black t-shirt to play an encore of:

1.    Floating Bridge
2.    Statesboro Blues

If you are seeing Gregg in Birmingham tonight, Edinburgh on the 6th or any of his other tour dates, you’re in for a real treat.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Wooders wrote:

If you are seeing Gregg in Birmingham tonight, Edinburgh on the 5th or any of his other tour dates, you’re in for a real treat.


Nice review Phil, thanks.

Gregg's actually playing Edinburgh on 6th July and I'll be there. smile Irish fans should note he's in Dublin on 4th July.

He must be travelling Ryanair! smile

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Thanks for the correction, Duncan. I was typing from memory, which is clearly not what it was. roll

I'm sure you'll have a great time and I look forward to reading your mini-review here.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Wooders wrote:

Thanks for the correction, Duncan. I was typing from memory, which is clearly not what it was. roll

I'm sure you'll have a great time and I look forward to reading your mini-review here.


I will be in Edinburgh which will be a bit different to the gig the night before - Jimmy Barnes!! I'm a Working Class Man..................


Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Wooders wrote:

Wednesday Derek and Susan, Friday Gregg and next Tuesday Warren. Does it get any better than this for a die hard ABB and Mule fan? Phil

Thanks for your report, Phil. We have got the same program next week. Exciting!

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

good to see he is playing some allman brothers songs and not only his new album. reading the setlist is allready bringing shivers on the back and to know that next week he will be here in nürnberg is a real highlight.

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Thomas, das ist zwar vom neuen Album, aber es gefällt Dir sicher auch:



Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Not so good news.
Gregg Allman had to cancel all concerts during his current German tour due to serious illness.  It seems that Gregg Allman has an acute chest and lung infection which makes the return journey to the U.S. in an oxygen tent necessary. The concerts in Munich, Nuremberg, Tuttlingen and the Burg Herzberg Festival were (or are) not held.
Source: http://www.bluesnews.de/

All the best to him and a speedy recovery.

45 (edited by ohiodawg13 2011-07-14 09:22:15)

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Blues Sissi wrote:

Not so good news.
Gregg Allman had to cancel all concerts during his current German tour due to serious illness.  It seems that Gregg Allman has an acute chest and lung infection which makes the return journey to the U.S. in an oxygen tent necessary. The concerts in Munich, Nuremberg, Tuttlingen and the Burg Herzberg Festival were (or are) not held.
Source: http://www.bluesnews.de/

All the best to him and a speedy recovery.

I think Gregg hit the road way too soon after under going a liver transplant just over a year ago. This is a major setback on the road to transplant recovery. Hepatitis C is a vicious disease with no known cure. A liver transplant is not a cure, just a step in living with the disease. I lost my brother to this 2 years ago without a transplant and a very close friend I grew up with 3 years ago after he received a transplant in '03. The only guarantee with Hepatitis is it will most likely kill you. I hope Gregg all the best and hope his medical team ties him to his bed for as long as it takes to stabilize his condition.

                                                                                                                        Get Better,

                                                                                                                        J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

John, these were my first thoughts when I stood yesterday night before the venue reading that the show is cancelled. Looks like he´s spent a day in a Nürnberg hospital and was flying back today. I hope it´s not too serious.

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Greg posted this today on Facebook.

Thanks for all the well wishes y'all. An upper respiratory infection led us to think "better safe than sorry" and get off the road until it clears up. Really didn't like to disappoint people with the missed shows but gotta pay attention to these things. Love y', GA

"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

In spite of my disappointment: wise decision.

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

This is sad. I worry because he takes anti-rejection meds which make him less resistant to infections. At least he can afford the best care. The Universe is flooded w/well wishes.   

Congrats to Sue and Guenter for Bonametal!!   Miss you both, Cathy

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Sad to hear that Greg had to cancel his Tourdates.
But I'm lucky to say that I was at the front row in Bonn on last Sunday to see Greg with his Band. And then one of my dreams come true: Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi did a few songs together with Greg!!!

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Hi Marlies,

I hoped that at one of the London dates I would see Gregg, Derek and Susan or Warren guesting at one of the others' shows, but it wasn't to be. I'm so pleased that it all came together for you in Bonn.

Let's all pray for a speedy recovery for Gregg.


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

This should be a good read, Gregg Allman has a book coming out!  My Cross To Bear

Also, I'd like to mention that Gregg Allman donated his guitar strings from a guitar he plays to StringsforaCURE and Devon Allman is a huge fan of SFAC and every time he mentions the foundation on his facebook his pieces sell.

Good vibes and thumbs up to father & son!! wink

StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Gregg Allman will be on Piers Morgan tonight on CNN.


StringsforaCURE~Helping cancer patients one STRING at a time.

Re: Greg Allman, Low Country Blues

Angela wrote:

Gregg Allman will be on Piers Morgan tonight on CNN.


Thank you Angela for posting this here smile  I am going to look for that episode to watch.

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol