All right, all right, jeez!
Now I feel like I got to go Einstein on you, I'm embarassed. I'll explain just a little. I go on to different forums (no I'm not cheating on you, I dont even know there anyways I noticed one forum has an area that list members birthdays. I didnt know if that would be of any interest here. People enjoy a "happy birthday " wish, it always feels good! Well that was it, real brilliant huh (LOL).
You got a second, I got a quick story. I go on another musicians forum a couple of days ago. I'm looking at all these topics they have up. At the very end it has "MLB" ( that's major league basesball ) I'm reading all these discussions, fans of a lot of baseball teams as well as players. If you have read my crap on here you know I'm a junkie for the game. I call Deb in here to witness my discovery, I'm all smiling like I just found Bonamassa all over again. The reaction she gave me was like "Lurch", you remember him from the" the Adams Famliy". She just kind of moaned, shook her head and walked away. I better stay away from that place, she will slap me silly!
Have a great day........Shred