Topic: Buckwheat Zydeco

Anyone else from the Pittsburgh area catch Buckwheat at the Pittsburgh arts festival ? Great show but too short of a set. Only one and a half hours long but what do I want for free ??? Its a great thing when a style of music can bring all generations and walks of life together for an enjoyable show.

Tell me about the car i saw parked outside your door ? Tell me what you left me waiting two or three hours for ? Tell me why when the phone rings, baby, your up and across the floor ? Please dont keep me wondering no more.....

2 (edited by airportdon 2011-06-13 13:53:02)

Re: Buckwheat Zydeco

We were there last night...... Pretty good show with Pittsburgh's own GUITAR ZACK on stage as well
Although Zack  got a bit screwed on his Volume/Depth through the Pa ...Guess they did want Zack to outshine Buckwheat's Lead guitarist...L.O.L

And so castles made of sand melts into the sea, eventually.........