Good interview.
Quite liked the interviewers approach too. I thought there would be more about BCC but the guy had an agenda in respecxt of the 30 year thing since John's death and he wanted to 'get inside' that subject, which I think was fair enough.
Jason came across very well. He was happy, very much so, to talk in a great deal of depth about it. I liked the comparison he draws with his own son of the same age. Must be difficult to avoid the 'cats in the cradle' effect, something a lot of parents have trouble doing.
He's a great musician. I really hope BCC could become a focal point for him as much as his Zeppelin related activities. For me, on the first BCC offering, I thought his performance was really standout. It was what made it sound so much of a band effort.
Good that his own demons seem to be behind him and now he is focusing on the 'right' part of the John Bonham legacy.
Thanks for the link. It looks like an interesting and amusing show, well presented.
No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012